The look on his face is disbelief.
Disbelief that I could say something like that and mean it after everything that’s happened.
But it’s true.
No matter how hard I try to pull away, he always manages to pull me right back in. Even though we constantly see each other, I can’t spend enough time with him.
Because he truly is my favorite person.
“Well,” Simon says, “we’ll let you go about your day. Good to see you, Harlow. I’ll catch you before the game tomorrow, Knox.”
Once we say our goodbyes, Simon and Helen continue down the greenway, leaving Knox and me alone.
“That was unexpected,” I say as I turn around before looking at him in surprise.
Knox stands before me now with the most genuine smile.
It’s the kind of smile that hurts your cheeks.
It crinkles the skin around your eyes.
It lights you up in a way only pure, unadulterated happiness can.
He’s happy right now in a way I’ve never seen him.
“What are you so happy about, Slick?” I ask, unable to contain my curiosity.
“Nothing,” he says, shaking his head while keeping the smile plastered on his face. “Nothing at all, Harlow. Come on. Let’s walk a little longer and then find a birthday cake for you. Sound good?”
I nod as I match his stride, and we take off down the greenway again.
I don’t believe that joy was for nothing.
No, that look matches my own recently.
That was a look of love.
Yesterday was eye-opening forme.
I learned that not only do I care about Harlow, but that I care about her more than I’ve ever cared aboutanyone.
That helped me realize why I panicked when she asked if I thought this was still fake.
It’s because I wasn’t ready to face the truth; doing that meant allowing myself to be completely open. I wouldn’t have been able to hide anymore, and that scared the shit out of me.
Spending the past month with her reminded me of why I fell for her in the first place.
Past tense because I’ve fallen so fucking hard for her.
I don’t want anyone else.
I just wanther.
Yesterday, I finally realized what word describes how I’m feeling, and I smiled like a goddamn fool.