Page 136 of Off Pitch

We stop now, and I turn to face him.“Fakeboyfriend,“ I say, wrinkling my nose.

“Semantics,” Knox replies, leaning in closer. “I still wish you had told me.”

“I wasn’t purposefully keeping it from you. It just didn’t cross my mind since we were so busy with your recovery. Hell, I forgot until this morning, and I didn’t want to tell you the day of.”

“Thank God for Cole, then,” he smirks. “I wouldn’t have been able to get you a gift if I only found out today.”

That catches me by surprise. “Why did you get me a gift? You really didn’t need to do that.”

“Yeah, he told me you’d say that,” he laughs. “Lo, I got you a gift because Iwantedto. Here.“ Knox reaches into the back pocket of his chino shorts and returns with a small jewelry box that he hands to me.

I flip the lid of the black velvet to find a dainty gold chain with a small gold baseball charm hanging from it. “Knox, this is beautiful.”

“If there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you love baseball. So much so that you write an entire blog about it.”

“You know me well,” I smile. I take the necklace out of its box, and he helps me clasp it around my neck, where it hangs just below my collarbone. “How does it look?”

“Perfect.” He wraps his arms around the small of my back, hooking his hands together and pulling me against him.“Youare perfect, Harlow.”

In a quick movement, I’m on my tiptoes again, draping my arms around Knox’s neck and pressing my mouth against his. I tease my tongue over his bottom lip before he opens it, now stroking his tongue against mine.

My body is on fire, so consumed with need. I can’t help but be captivated by everything that he is. Every second spent together just makes me crave him even more.

One more kiss, and we part, now resting our foreheads together.

“Thank you, Knox. I love the necklace.”

He smiles at me sweetly. “Happy birthday, Lo.”

The outside world ceases to exist. Right now, it’s just us in this moment.

Knox and I are the only people around on the busy greenway. I’m sure there are fans milling about snapping pictures that will be plastered all over the internet later, but I pay no mind, so engrossed in us in our own little bubble.

A bubble that pops when a man walks up behind me.

“Knox, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“Simon,” Knox says as I turn around now, leaning my back against his chest as he places his hands on my hips. “I didn’t think I’d run into you here.”

“Out for a walk with my wife,” Simon says, gesturing to the woman beside him. “Knox, this is Helen.”

Knox reaches out to shake her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Helen.” He gestures to me now. “This is my girlfriend, Harlow. We’re out for her birthday today.”

“Ah, well, happy birthday then, Harlow.”

“Thank you,” I say softly. “We just grabbed lunch with my family after his appointment this morning.”

“Yes,” Simon says more enthusiastically, “How did the appointment go? Axis is looking forward to seeing you back on the field.”

“They’ll catch me tomorrow then,” Knox says with a smile. “Dr. Coltrain cleared me as of Wednesday. I talked to Skip earlier, and I’m starting tomorrow night’s game.”

“Wonderful, wonderful. I look forward to it. This season has seen such a change for you.” Simon shoots us both a knowing look.

Knox wraps his arms around my waist now. “I guess all I needed was a reason to be happy.” I blush as he kisses the top of my head.

“You two are just so sweet together,” Helen pipes in. “I’ve probably said that to Simon too often this season.”

“Thank you,” I reply sweetly. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together so far.” I glance up at Knox now. “He’s my favorite person.”