I can already tell this is going to be a bad idea
But you just told me you don’t know what this is about
I don’t
But you’re already giving me shit, so whatever Simon has up his sleeve is giving me pause
Well, I guess we’ll find out together then, won’t we?
I’ll see you before the game, Fort
You’re just like your goddamn brother
“So apparently,” I say to Rory, “he also has no idea what this meeting is about.”
“Maybe this is some ploy to get you alone so he can tell you how much he wants you.”
“Your imagination knows no limits, Rory Fisher,” I say, playfully shoving her shoulder. “Now, let’s finish this damn interview.”
Once Rory leaves to grab Sage before today’s game, I hop right into the shower, curiosity plaguing my mind. I wish I had any inkling of what this meeting could be about and why his agent wants me there. I barely know Knox, and I’ve never even met his agent.
Before leaving my apartment, I throw on my favorite pair of jeans and myPierceStars jersey (number twenty-seven for Cole), pull my hair into a high ponytail, and grab the same hat I wore to the game yesterday. Once I have my Chucks on and grab a light jacket, I’m ready to head out. Yesterday’s game was frigid, but tonight is going to be much warmer. The weather here is fucking weird.
Security lets me into the stadium early, thanks to the team pass I have, so I’m currently trudging the halls trying to find the damn conference room. I’m wandering around aimlessly when I hear a familiar voice behind me. “You lost?”
I turn around to find Knox a few steps behind me, ready for the game in his white home uniform with the Stars logo on the chest.
God, I love baseball uniforms.
“Yeah,” I reply sheepishly. I’m not usually nervous around people, even if I don’t know them. Still, the mystery of this meeting is giving me a bit of unease. “I have no idea where the damn conference room is.”
“Follow me,” he says, stepping in front of me. I guess we’re back to short responses. But watching him walk with those baseball pants hugging his backside? I sure as hell won’t complain about that.
Knox leads me down a few hallways, up a flight of stairs, and down several more hallways. I was never going to find this damn room on my own.
He finally stops us outside a large oak door emblazoned with the words Conference Room A in bold letters. Knox pushes the door open, gesturing me inside. “After you.”
“At least you’re a gentleman,” I say as I slide past him, hoping to mask the nerves in my voice.
The room has a sizable wooden conference table with leather chairs surrounding it. Across from us is a man with salt-and-pepper hair, hands folded on the table as he watches us take our seats. This must be Knox’s agent.
“I’m thrilled you could both make it for this. I know the meeting was short notice,” the man says before turning his attention to me and extending his hand. “Hello, Harlow. I’m Simon Helbin, Mr. Spencer’s agent.”
I accept his hand and shake. “Nice to meet you, Simon.”
I glance over to Knox to find a blank expression on his face. Typical for him. “Are you going to tell us why we’re here now, Simon?”
Simon brings his hand to his face in exasperation. This must be how their conversations usually go. “This is why, Knox. You’re unapproachable. Being dubbed Fort Knox isn’t something to be happy about.”
“Seems fine to me,” Knox retorts, leaning back against the leather of his chair and resting his hands behind his head. “Now everyone knows they can’t get anything out of me.”