“To finally understanding what Darian’s whistling actually means,” Lydia added, cuddled against her dragon’s side.
“To finding home in unexpected places,” Quinn said softly, meeting Kai’s eyes.
Later, on the palace balcony, Quinn watched auroras dance across the star-filled sky. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind as Kai pulled her close.
“Are you ready for this new life?” he asked gently.
From inside, they could hear Lydia attempting to teach Darian the Macarena, their laughter mixing with the hum of crystal walls. The land beneath them pulsed with renewed strength as stable as the love in her heart.
Quinn turned in his arms, smiling. “With you, our crazy friends, and this beautiful planet? I’m more than ready.”
Somewhere in the distance, a wall panel started playing dance music, followed by Lydia’s delighted squeal and Darian’s rich chuckle. Their world might not be conventional, but it was perfectly, wonderfully theirs.
Quinn paused at her quarter’s entrance, frowning at the note slipped under her door. She recognized Kai’s precise handwriting:Meet me in the eastern observatory at sunset. Bring your field journal.
Her scientific tools seemed an odd request for what she assumed would be dinner, but she tucked her worn leather notebook into her pocket. The walk to the observatory gave her time to wonder what her dragon king had planned - he’d been suspiciously absent all afternoon.
The observatory door slid open at her approach, revealing a transformed space. Her breath caught. The domed crystal ceiling reflected Nova Aurora’s twin sunset, painting the room in swirls of pink and gold. But it wasn’t the natural beauty that stopped her in her tracks.
Projected across the curved walls were her own geological sketches and field notes, enlarged and animated. Fault lines shifted in graceful patterns while crystal formations grew and changed. Her careful drawings of Nova Aurora’s unique mineral structures danced like constellations.
“I had some help with the technology,” Kai’s deep voice came from behind her. “Lydia mentioned how much you love watching geological processes in action.”
Quinn turned, her throat tight with emotion. He stood in simple dark clothing rather than his usual formal attire, but his presence still filled the room. “You did all this?”
“I wanted to show you how I see your work.” He stepped closer, taking her hand. “Not just useful to the kingdom, but beautiful. Like you.”
Heat bloomed in her cheeks. “Smooth talker. Did Gerri give you tips on that too?”
“She might have suggested I be more... verbal with my appreciation.” His ice-blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “Though I still prefer actions.”
To demonstrate, he tugged her toward the room’s center where a blanket lay spread with an elegant picnic. She recognized some of her favorite Earth foods alongside Nova Auroran delicacies.
“Let me guess - Lydia told you about my weakness for chocolate-covered strawberries?”
“Among other things.” Kai’s thumb traced patterns on her palm. “She had quite a lot to say about Earth dating customs. Some seemed impractical with wings.”
Quinn snorted, remembering Lydia’s romantic movie marathon. “Please tell me you’re not planning a rain-soaked declaration of love.”
“I thought I’d stick to what I know.” He pulled her down beside him on the blanket, his body radiating comfortable warmth. “Like how your eyes light up when you’re examining rock formations. Or how you bite your lip when you’re thinking deeply about something.”
“You noticed that?”
“I notice everything about you.” His voice dropped lower, sending shivers down her. “Like how your pulse speeds up when I’m close.”
“That’s just scientific curiosity about dragon biology,” she protested weakly.
“Is it?” He leaned in, his breath ghosting across her neck. “Should I help you conduct some research?”
“You’re terrible.” But she tilted her head, giving him better access. “And distracting me from my food.”
“My apologies.” He pulled back with a wicked smile, reaching for a strawberry. “Allow me to assist with that too.”
The fruit brushed her lips, and she caught his fingers along with it, enjoying his sharp intake of breath. His eyes darkened to molten gold, dragon instincts rising to the surface.
“Careful, little geologist,” he growled softly. “You’re playing with fire.”