Page 40 of Real Scale Blazer

She paused, something vulnerable flickering across her face. “Don’t... don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Say things that make it hard to keep my distance.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “I can’t afford to care about you.”

“Too late.” He touched her chin, guiding her gaze to his. “You already do.”

Before she could argue, movement caught his attention. Through the ice wall beside them, a shadow shifted—disappearing too quickly to track, but undeniably there. Someone watched them. Someone with enough power to create and control those creatures.

Someone who now knew exactly how much Quinn meant to him.

His dragon snarled at the thought of her being targeted. But as she walked ahead of him, he realized a harder truth: His enemies would use her to get to him. And he’d already proven he’d risk everything to keep her safe.

The real question was how could he protect both her and his kingdom while letting her maintain the independence that made her who she was.

“Stop brooding,” Quinn called back to him. “I can hear you thinking dramatic thoughts from here.”

“I do not brood.”

“Please.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re the living embodiment of tall, dark, and brooding. Well, tall, pale, and brooding in your case.”

“I prefer ‘thoughtfully concerned.’“

“You would.” But her smile softened the words. “Come on, drama dragon. Let’s get you patched up properly before you bleed all over my scientific equipment.”

His dragon preened at her concern, even wrapped in snark as it was. But as they made their way back to the palace, his senses remained on high alert.

Someone had declared war today. Not just on him and his kingdom, but on the woman who’d somehow become more precious to him than his own life.

They’d learn exactly why challenging a Dragon King was considered suicide.

Right after he convinced his stubborn mate to accept proper protection.

He had a feeling the ice creatures would be the easier challenge.


“You’re limping,” Quinn accused as they navigated the icy terrain.

“I’m walking with dignified caution,” Kai corrected, trying not to wince. His wounds burned despite her initial treatment.

“Right. Because that’s totally different.” She slipped under his arm, supporting his weight despite their height difference. “Stubborn dragon.”

“Bossy scientist.”

“I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘helpful.’“

“I believe the word I’m looking for is ‘tiny.’“ But his arm tightened around her shoulders as he chuckled then immediately regretted it as pain lanced through his side. Quinn felt him tense and stopped walking.

“Let me check those bandages.”

“I’m fine?—”

“That wasn’t a request, Your Scaliness.” She guided him to a relatively flat rock. “Shirt off.”

His eyebrows rose. “Demanding.”

“Medical necessity.” But her cheeks pinked as he complied. “Though I’m starting to think your impressive abs are somekind of evolutionary adaptation designed to distract from how terrible you are at self-preservation.”