Page 30 of Real Scale Blazer

“Because the last time I mixed work and romance, it ended in professional sabotage and emotional disaster.” Quinn swirled her drink, watching the colors shift. “Besides, Kai is... he’s...”

“Gorgeous?” Lydia suggested.

“Powerful?” Gerri added.

“Completely devoted to you already?” They finished in unison.

“Impossible,” Quinn corrected, ignoring her heating cheeks. “He’s impossible. With his stupid protective hovering and his ridiculous muscles and those eyes that turn gold when he’s worked up...” She caught herself and cleared her throat. “Anyway. Not happening.”

“Shifters aren’t like human men,” Gerri said softly. “They love differently. More intensely. When they find their mate, that’s it for them. No games, no ulterior motives. Just complete devotion.”

Something in Quinn’s chest tightened. “That sounds...”

“Terrifying?” Lydia supplied.

“Amazing,” Quinn admitted quietly. “But also yes, terrifying.”

“Your father loved you like that,” Gerri reminded her gently. “Unconditionally. Proudly. Remember how he used to show off your early geological findings to anyone who’d listen?”

Quinn’s throat closed up. Her father had been her biggest champion, treating her like his brilliant princess even when others dismissed her. Since losing him, she’d never found that kind of unconditional support again.

“Speaking of unconditional support,” Lydia’s voice turned sly, “Darian’s been quite... supportive lately.”

That successfully diverted attention. “Darian?” Quinn leaned forward. “Kai’s right-hand man? The one you’ve been making eyes at for days?”

“We may have spent some time together.” Lydia’s cheeks pinked. “He’s been teaching me about dragon culture. Did you know they have this whole ritual courtship dance thing? It’s fascinating.”

“I’m sure that’s all you’ve been studying,” Gerri teased.

“Well, his anatomy lessons have been quite thorough...”


“What? Some of us aren’t afraid to enjoy what Nova Aurora has to offer.” Lydia waggled her eyebrows. “Speaking of which, you should really let Kai offer you some... cultural exchanges.”


“Oh my god.” Quinn buried her face in her hands.

“I’m serious! That man looks at you like you’re water in a desert. And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you watch him when you think no one’s looking.”

Before Quinn could protest, a knock interrupted them. Kai’s deep voice came through the door. “Quinn? May I speak with you?”

Lydia and Gerri exchanged delighted looks. Quinn pointed at them both threateningly. “Not. One. Word.”

She opened the door to find Kai looking unusually uncertain. “I wanted to check on you after... earlier.”

“I’m fine.” Her voice came out softer than intended. “Really.”

“Walk with me?” He gestured to the moonlit gardens. “Please?”

Behind her, she heard Lydia’s stage whisper: “Say yes, you idiot!”

Quinn shot a glare over her shoulder but stepped out to join him. The garden paths glowed with bioluminescent flowers, their light catching in Kai’s pale hair like starfire.

“The council is divided about your presence here,” he said after a moment.

“I noticed. The threatening notes were a bit of a giveaway.”