So, I get up, settle her into her chair, and take off. Desperate to keep that feeling last a little while longer.
Wishful thinking
I’m feeling. Oh, God,I’m feeling so much. Too much and I can’t get enough. My emotions are spilling out of me from tears to laugher and everything in between—or all together at once.
Freedom, is this how it feels? Is this what it means to let go of all that hurt I’ve been bottling up on the inside?
No, I don’t think so, but it sure is a window into that kind of life, and Exton is the one who showed it to me. No, pressured me into it is more like it, and it makes me wonder how did he know it would work? What sort of demons is the ice helping him fight?
Through all these days he’s been with me I never once questioned why…the real why, not the bullshit he gave me that first time. Because I’ll never believe that some other team wouldn’t buy him right away if he was let go from Outlaws. But my train of thought is broken when I’m brought to a screeching stop and Exton all but collapses behind me.
I turn around and gasp.
He’s lying on the ice, his arms and legs in different directions and he’s panting. Hard.
“That’s it, little star. You’ve done it.”
“Done what?”
“Killed me.”
I suppress my giggle at his dramatics. “Hmm, maybe you are not such a hockey god after all if a little exercise was all it took to kill you,” I tease him, and it feels good. It feels damn good to just get into it with him.
To think not even an hour ago I was locked under that thick ice of mine, and now here I am, alive and feeling. Thanks to him.
Exton manages to lift his head up and glares at me. “Please remember that it was you who just taunted me. I’ll show you hockey god,” he says bitterly but there is no real bite in it and lowers his head back down. “Next time”—he waves with his hand—“but I will show you.”
This time I can’t hold back that laugh as it bubbles out of me, and it feels damn good to let it out too. Painful, but good. It’s as if all these muscles are relearning what they were supposed to be doing.
“And now she’s laughing at me. That’s it—” he sits up and points his index finger at me— “I was going to let you rest and hole up in that cabin of yours, but now I’m out for blood. We’re going out.” He springs up to his feet like he wasn’t just dying on that ice a second ago.
“Going out?” The light humor is gone from my tone. I don’t like crowds—not anymore. I just want to be left alone, yet I know mentioning this won’t go over well with Exton.
He’ll just stuff me into his fancy car, ignoring my protests and antagonize me with his favorite “what are you going to do about it, cripple?”So, I sigh and motion for him to lead the way.
“Well, don’t look so excited on my account.” His sarcasm is nice and thick because I know my face is nothing short of scowling.
“You said nothing about me being happy about it so deal with it.” He chuckles but grabs a hold of my wheelchair and wheels me off the ice.
“Did you at least feel it?” His warm breath fans over my cheek once again and my stomach tightens just like it did back there.
“Yeah.” I swallow hard. “I felt it. I felt it all.”
Exton is almost giddy with excitement as he opens the doors to Blade’s, ushering me to get inside.
The ride here has been an interesting one to say the least. Starting with him lifting me bridal style to get into his car. Before today, I rode in Stella’s car and hers is a regular sized sedan, so I had no problems lifting myself with my hands—which are still strong from my skating days—and maneuvering until I was inside. But Exton Quinn wouldn’t be caught dead driving just a regular sedan. Oh no. He has to have one of those fancy lifted cars, and when I declared I’m not going anywhere because I can’t get in, he swiped both his hands underneath my body and hoisted me up before I could gasp, forget saying anything about the matter.
For a brief second, my brain short-circuited. He was holding me.
Holding me in his big, strong hands and it felt…nice. God, it felt so nice. Better than I imagined when I first saw him and thought of it.
I didn’t think it could ever feel nice to be held by another man. Not that this was anything other than me getting into his car, but it felt…nice. And a little electrifying. Thrilling. His touch warm and strong. Safe.
Just like it was this morning when I woke up to him wrapped around me and the memory of it made my cheeks heat up.