“Well, here we go…she’s in position.”
“Is that…is she a broken doll?”
“I think that’s exactly what she’s trying to show. Look at the sharp, definitive edges of her moves.”
“She is exceptional with a capital E. She has quite a routine planned in this free skate. But it’s not just about those complex elements. Look at her performance. Look at the lines, flexibility, or rather lack of it…a real-life broken doll.”
“Yes, it’s like her whole body is crying out in pain. Remarkable. And here is the first quad. Look at the height she gets on this quad! Inhuman!”
“She stops. Oh, the music changes…it’s dark, not the soft version we had in the beginning. God, look at her whole posture…her face, it changed just like that.”
“And right away, double axel, triple toe, double toe combination. An aggressive one! And flawless!”
“Her speed. Are you seeing this? How can she be so graceful when she’s downright terrifying on that ice right now? Another double axel coming in…and she nails it once again. She looks downright mad on that ice. Unhinged in all the best ways.”
“One-handed Biellmann spin is absolutely lovely as she wraps up her program.”
“Oh, wow! I have no words! She really couldn’t have done any more than what we just witnessed. Electra Quinn is a force!”
“The crowd is going crazy! Listen to them. There are about thirty little girls collecting all the flowers thrown out on the ice for her.”
“And there he is—Electra’s husband, Exton Quinn, is the first to snatch her into his arms, spinning her around. He knows it.Her brilliant trainer, Stella Gary, knows it, we all know, she got the gold. No questions asked.”
“Absolutely! There wasn’t a single thing, element you could dock points from. She owned the ice tonight. She was one with it and it was absolute magic I really hope we get to see more of in the future.”
“Well, I think only the strongest, most remarkable person could’ve gone through what she had and come out so much better on the other side.”
Bonus Epilogue
“Electra Quinn, Olympics goldmedalist, why do you have that wicked look in your pretty eyes?” I ask, dropping my bag onto the floor of our new home here in Boston.
We bought it right after the Outlaws got into the playoffs last year. It’s a beautiful French chateau style home, only minutes from downtown Boston; has a heated pool, a million rooms and all the fuss but the only thing I cared about was how sparkly my wife’s eyes got when the realtor showed it to us. It’s the perfect home for us with just the right mixture of modern and old and Electra fell in love with it there and then.
I placed an offer on the spot, and a few weeks later we no longer needed to make the drive from Iris Lake to Boston every day.
We still have our house there and spend every free minute in it because we could never let go of the cabin that means so much for the both of us.
It’s a healing place for us. Whenever I’m having a hard time on the ice or Electra is, we drop everything and run to Iris Lake, eat at Blade’s, and goof around with our friends there. We werethere as soon as our flight landed from Canada after Electra took the gold with a huge margin from everyone else.
There was absolutely no one who could hold a candle to her. She was brilliant and mesmerizing on that ice. While Erik and Lisa took a measly third in pairs, he tried to look happy about it but failed miserably. And when the media found out that Electra is married to Helena Quinn’s son…well, they just about lost their minds.
But only she and I know the truth. Only we know that our mothers watched over us on that ice. Only we know that Electra felt my mom’s hand leading her through her routines. Only we know that every time she gets out there, it’s to pay tribute to two remarkable women who gave us everything.
“Hi, baby,” she coos, and I sweep her into my arms right away, her legs winding around my waist as I kiss those pretty lips. “So, I did something.”
I freeze. “Electra, every time those words leave your beautiful mouth, I get more and more scared.”
She giggles but I just narrow my eyes at her, pinching her peach of an ass.
And it’s true, over the last year whenever she used that phrase, I was forced to do something I didn’t want. Like go to that post office box that my father left me, or sit down and listen to all of the voicemails from him I never deleted. Or make up with certain people.
Granted, I was happy she pushed me to do each and every one of those things, but they all came with a cost of opening my heart and she was the only one I wanted to see it.
“I think this time you will really like it.”
“Oh, yeah?” I suck her lip into my mouth, and she clutches my shoulders, pulling herself deeper into me as her pussy rubs against my very hard cock.