So, yay, driving…
At the next light, turn right, the GPS says, and I roll my lips, looking totally unfazed as I keep driving and hope Exton is still too blissed out to realize it is taking us in a completely different direction.
No such luck.
“Electra, what address did you put in there? It’s telling you to go the wrong way.” He frowns, his hand reaching for my phone, and I take a deep breath, knowing he’s about to lose his shit.
I slap his extended hand before it touches my phone. “It’s going the right way.”
“No, it is not. The TD Garden Arena is on the opposite side of town. Wait a minute.” He sits up in the passenger seat, looking around the streets. “This isn’t even the right exit,” he so-not-helpfully points out, but I don’t answer.
In fact, I’m not even moving, looking straight ahead with two hands on the wheel.
“Electra,” he growls, and I make a small acknowledging noise. “Where are we going?”
“No shit,” he says, heavy on that sarcasm. “I thought the game started at twelve, we’ll be late if you don’t make a U-turn.”
“Oh, did I say twelve? I actually meant two.” And I hope that’s enough time for us to make it to both places.
Exton is silent for a solid minute after which he lets out a painful sigh. “Please tell me whatever you have planned is at least fun and we didn’t waste two perfect hours where my cock could be buried in your sweet pussy.”
“Um, that depends on your definition of fun,” I quip, fully aware that where we are going is not going to be it.
He looks like he wants to say something very unpleasant to me right now. Or strangle me but thankfully we are already pulling up to our first destination.
“Okay, we are here,” I say with faux cheer as I mentally count until he blows up.
One, two, three, four…
“Electra fucking Monroe! What have you done?” Damn, he didn’t even last to five.
“Let’s go, Exton.” I ignore his tantrum, the pursed lips and hard-set eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he grits out, and I sigh.
“Yes. You are. And if I have to drag you into that office on my barely healed back, I’ll do it. I’ll probably break it again in the process, but so-help-me-God, I’ll do it, Exton Quinn.” Maybe it’s my stern voice, maybe the very real threat in it but he relaxes a touch.
“What do you mean why? That lawyer has been blowing up your phone every week—”
“That’s not what I meant,” Exton interrupts me but when I frown, not understanding what else he could possibly mean, he adds, “Why do you care?”
My whole posture sags with shock at his question and then it strings back up again with outrage. “Why do I care?” I bulgemy eyes at him. “Why. Do. I. Care, Exton?” He just blinks in response, still clueless.
Unbelievable. I shake my head. “Why did you care about me walking? Why did you care about me getting back on that ice? Why, Exton?”
He doesn’t hesitate. “Because I love you.” Saying it as if it’s the most explanatory answer.
I stare back at him, my look translating that he’s an idiot and when he still doesn’t get it, I say, “Gosh, you are real thick today, you know that?” I narrow my eyes at him. “Because I love you. That’s why I care. I love you. I love you.I love youand I can’t see you slowly dying. I can’t see you in pain every time that phone rings. I still don’t know what exactly happened and if you are not ready to tell me yet, that’s fine. But I think you need to go in there.” I point to the door for Finnigan Family Law. “You need to close this chapter because it’s one that’s been driving your anger. I see it. I feel it…deep in my soul. I feel it, and I don’t want you to hurt.”
I don’t know if he’s breathing because he’s so still while my breaths are labored from the speech I just gave but he’s just sitting there, blinking at me until he’s not.
Until his body is shaking, his throat working hard as he tries to swallow the tears pooling around his eyes.
“Baby,” I whisper, my posture deflating as I try to reach for him, but he snatches my hand pressing my palm to his lips, talking into it.