“You’re asking for it, baby,” I tease him, catching the pet name that slips out too naturally and too late because he’s already smirking.
Jesus, I want to slap that smirk off his face and then maybe kiss it too. Or forget the slap, just kiss him until he has nothing more to smirk about. Anddddd, my mind went there again.
“You’re on! Wait, what do I get if I last more than one hour?”
“A congratulation.”
“Your sweet ass?”
“That is so not what I said, Exton.”
“It’s ‘baby’ from now on, and yep, I clearly heard you say something about your ass.”
I quickly look down at my food, hiding the stupid smile on my face and trying to tame the butterfly invasion in my stomach.
“You’re incorrigible.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
Well, this should be fun.
Ice is unforgiving
I always believed inthe notion that we are born with some type of instinct, or what they call female intuition, but I couldn’t be more wrong because for the second time in my life…it doesn’t even stir at the treat of an approaching death.
“Okay, angry elf, what’s first?” Exton asks as he finishes lacing his skates and fixes his jacket.
It’s considerably warmer this morning here. Well, it’s still freezing cold, and the skies are overcast, but for Vermont at the beginning of March we call this a blessing, and you can almost smell spring breaking through the thick layer of winter.
“Stretching, which we could have done in the comfort of our home, Exton.” I roll my eyes and then catch him smirking. “What are you smiling about?”
“You called itourhome.” Damn, my own mouth that I try to smooth out now.
“The termites that invade houses also think of those spaces as theirs.”
“So now I’m a termite.”
“Then don’t complain when I eat you alive.” He winks, and I do everything in my power to ignore this man.
“Jesus, if I’d waste so much time talking I’d never get anywhere in the sport. Now, move your legs and give me five full loops around the lake.”
“Fuck, you are so hot when you command me,” he says in gravel voice. Exton’s whiskey eyes fix on me as he wets his lower lip and I see one of his hands moving toward his crotch, adjusting it. My cheeks warm up and I will my eyes to look away, but they won’t. He skates up to me until his mouth is at my ear. “Enjoy it while it lasts, because once I get my hands on you, you’ll be the one on your knees for me.”
“E-Exton.” I try to steady my voice but fail and his smirk intensifies before he invades me with his tongue, kissing me like I didn’t just tell him we are only friends.
“T-ten laps, Mr. Quinn, for misconduct,” I rasp out when he pulls away and skates away, tipping his head up with a booming laugh.
“You looked up hockey terms, angry elf?”
“No, I didn’t,” I say too quickly, giving away my own lie.
“God, you are perfect.”