Page 75 of Born of Ice

“At least we’ll sell out of all tickets. See, opportunistic.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll stay here with you. At least I’ll be good for something.”

There is that raw note in his voice again that he tries to hide with humor this time, and I feel the need to lose mine.

“You are good for so much more than that, Exton.”

I don’t know what possesses me to do it, but my head bends down to where his left arm is sneaked underneath my head, serving as my pillow and I plant my lips on the inside of his forearm, kissing him there.

Mortification washes over me when I realize what I’ve just done, and I sift through my head for some retort, comment, or excuse why I did that just now, but Exton doesn’t let me.

He sucks in a sharp breath, tugging me into him until I’m completely molded against his body and plants a kiss of his own on the back of my neck murmuring, “Thank you.”

I fall asleep with those words, that kiss and his warmth that splits my heart open.


“Where are you taking me to this time?” Electra grumbles when I load her into my G-wagon, but I can’t even muster annoyance after last night.

Nope, the grin on my face is too wide for it.

“I have another errand—or rather, an appointment to get to.” I buckle her in and round the car to my side.

Electra looks at me from underneath those low-cut bangs with her arms folded across her chest. “And what do I have to do with your appointment? The plot just twisted in my book.”

“You are helping me today.” She sighs like the cute angry elf she is and twists to look out the front window. “Geez, don’t look so excited on my account.”

“Don’t star with me. You don’t take a book away from a book girl when the enemies are just about to become lovers.”

It’s my turn to twist in my seat. “Do tell me more, little star. Just what kind of books are you reading?” My tone is curious but also a bit teasing and the suspicions I had are confirmed when her cheeks pink up. “Oh, my angry elf. You just got yourself a reading buddy. I can also volunteer to help you test out all the poses.”

“Shut up,” she grumbles while biting her lip to hide the smile there.

I have no such problem and burst out laughing.

“Don’t worry, this won’t take long. We’ll get back to your sexy book shortly,” I tell her, and she shoots me a glare but then her eyes fix on the shop I parked in front of.

“Exton, what are we doing at a tattoo shop?” Her tone heavy with suspicion.

“Don’t worry. This is for me, not you. Unless you want one?” I quirk an eyebrow, and she halts for a second before shaking her head.


Am not.

I let it slide though and help her out of the car.

Who would’ve thought I’d love my car even more now that I get to haul her in and out of it? So convenient to have an inconvenient car.

We walk through the front door, and I’m immediately ushered to the open chair.

“What are we doing for you today?” The pretty, spiky brunette—Luna—asks when I sit my ass down. She’s covered in gorgeous art herself. Though she doesn’t seem to have a single piercing.

“Can you give me a piece of paper?” I ask her and she hands me one from her pad along with a pen but I wave the pen away, instead, handing the blank paper to Electra.

“Um, what do you want me to do?” she asks, confused. “I can’t draw, Axe. So, if this was your plan, I’m going to be really mad that you pulled me away from my book.”

I shake my head, she’s still going on about it, and I make a mental note to read that book no matter what. It must be hot as hell to have her this pissed.