“Oh, I see,” he says as if what I said totally makes sense. “I’m sorry, who am I speaking to?”
“Electra Monroe.” A beat of silence passes.
“Are you his girlfriend, partner?” The blunt question takes me by surprise, and I open my mouth to deny it, only to shut it just as fast.
“I’m…” I trail off, really not knowing how to respond. I amnothis girlfriend or his partner unless you consider our bickering a team sport, so why the heck didn’t I just say that?
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry. I’ve just been trying to reach Mr. Quinn for quite some time now and was wondering if maybe you could help me.”
“I’m sorry,who are you?”
“Ah, yes, apologies, my name is Jeremy Finnegan, and I’m the family lawyer for the Quinn family or more recently, for Cole Quinn.”
I frown, mulling over his words.
Family lawyer, that’s who’s been calling him all this time? And I can only assume that Cole Quinn is Exton’s father but from what I’ve learned last night I don’t blame him for ignoring any and all calls regarding the man.
“I don’t think Exton wants anything to do with your client,” I answer briskly, shocked by the curt tone myself.
“That’s between them, Miss Monroe. I’m simply a messenger and all I need to do is pass it on.”
“Can’t you just mail him whatever it is you have?
“Unfortunately, no. It was one of the stipulations that Mr. Quinn received it in person.” Mr. Finnegan quiets for a moment and then adds, “Please help me get him in here. It won’t take long, and I truly believe that it will be in his best interest to get this over with. It can’t be easy to live with this hanging over your head.”
Damn this lawyer and his speak in code.
“I’m sorry, I don’t make promises I can’t keep, but I’ll see what I can do.” And even saying this is a stretch because I’m no one to Exton to make him do anything.
Especially in regard to something that is so clearly hurting him. But maybe that’s just it. Maybe he needs to deal with his demons the way he’s trying to fight mine for me.
“That’s all I’m asking for. Thank you.”
I nod even though he can’t see me, Mr. Finnegan hangs up.
I’m still mulling over the conversation and what all he meant as the front door creaks open and I hear, “I’m home, angry elf. Miss me?”
How deep of shit am I in?
“I’m home, angry elf.Miss me?” I shout as soon as I walk inside the cabin, shaking off all the snow from my jacket.
It looks like a snowstorm is coming our way and I keep telling myself that was the reason I rushed to get back like my ass was on fire but maybe I should stop pretending—at least to myself—that it wasn’t about her. That I wasn’t pulled back to Iris Lake by more than responsibility.
“Do you see how wet the floor is?” Electra shouts back from the room and I turn around, looking at the tile, confused, because it’s not wet at all. Apart from beneath my own snow-covered boots. “That’s how many tears I’ve cried while you were gone,” she adds, and I shake with silent laughter.
That little shit.
“Oh hell, little star. All this for me? It’s gonna take me the whole evening to clean up your mess.” I don’t even bother to hide the not-so-subtle innuendo in my tone and just as soon as it sinks in, I hear something fall in her room.
A shit-eating, satisfied grin pulls on my face.
Damn it, I needed her. Needed this snarky elf who’s so much more than a mere responsibility. I was away for all of six hours, but they were the longest six hours of my life. Even though my foot didn’t step off the gas paddle once. Not after I got pulled over the first time and not after the snow started falling too heavily to be driving this fast. But my whole body was brimming with that need, aching to get back. It’s maddening and stupid and so confusing, but it doesn’t change the fact that Electra Monroe is way deep under my skin.
I couldn’t even call her because I remembered too late that I left my phone at home, in between those couch cushions where I threw it last night.