The terminator is just about to leave when Aurora scurries around us again with a tray full of food for the booth two down from ours.
“Rory,” Electra calls out, confirming my suspicions about their familiarity and I watch as the tiny blonde take a long, heavy breath before coming back up to us.
“Can I get you anything?” she asks in her professional mode.
“Take your son to Boston,” Electra says.
“I already told you—”
“I’ll cover it. Whatever you need. I’ll cover it.” As soon as the words are out of Electra’s mouth there is a new stiffness to Aurora’s shoulders.
“No, thank you. That’s not necessary.”
“Please, let me help. Let me do this for you and for your son. I wasn’t here all this time, so this is the least I can do.”
“We don’t need money from you, Electra,” Aurora says but there’s no bitterness to it. She almost sounds sad, and I wonder how close were these two before my little star took off. “And in any case, even if we do go, then what? Coach Hill won’t be able to take him on anyway, right?” She looks to Stella who gives her a tiny nod.
No, our coach deals with NHL level not junior players. He could put them in contact with someone, but the sad reality of high-stakes sports is you need to know people.
And I am that kind of people.
No one needs you, Exton,the small voice reminds me…but my eyes catch on Electra’s deflating shoulders…and it’s too late.
“I can train him.” I hear the words leave my mouth before my head catches up to what I’ve said and I want to take it back, I should take it back, but the three sets of eyes are now drilling into me. Each one with a different expression in them.
Stella’s are narrowed and questioning. No surprise there.
Aurora’s are shocked and hopeful. But it’s the icy blue ones that make me keep my words. To stand by them because all of a sudden, the ice is gone from Electra’s eyes, and she looks at me like she’s seeing me for the first time. Like I’ve done something heroic, and it fills me with a sense of purpose.
Hell, this falling star is twisting me from the inside out.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Aurora asks with a tremble in her voice.
“You are right, just seeing Coach Hill won’t give you much, but having Exton Quinn claim Emett as his protégé will go a long way.”
I think I hear Electra murmuring something about “him and his big head” but this time there’s a spark in her eyes, one that lights me up.
Aurora opens and closes her mouth a few times before she finally says, “H-how much? How much would it cost to have you train him?”
“Nothing.” I stuff more food into my mouth.
“What…how…I can’t…that’s not, you don’t have to do that, Mr. Quinn.” She is all flustered. “I love my son, and I think he’s the best of the best but…but it’s just me.” Rory swallows hard, casting her eyes downward. “I’m his mom, I’m programmed to think that, and I don’t want you to waste your time.”
“First of all, it’s Exton or Axe.” I send her a wink and see a cute blush staining her cheeks. “Second of all, I’m stuck here with this one anyway.” I throw my thumb at Electra. “And she’s not much of a hockey fan, so I’d love some time with someone who can actually appreciate me.”
“Jesus Christ, and here I thought you were actually being nice and not feeding your own ego.”
“Someone just mentioned it’s the size of Texas, so I need to keep it well-fed.”
“Anyway”—I turn back to Aurora—“ignore the angry elf and bring Emett to our place any time. The said angry elf rarely wants to leave her cabin so we are always there.”
“Um, okay.” She exhales, her fingers playing with the edge of the tray nervously. “Thank you. Thank you, so much, Emett will be over the moon.”
“Can’t wait to meet this little man.”