To hear her voice in the morning rustle of trees. To see her smile in those rare rays of sunshine in the cold winter sky. To feel her gentle touch as it warms my chilly skin.
It’s been years since I’ve done it, forgetting altogether about it when I lived with Erik because he was not a morning person at all and a light sleeper, so normally we would stay in bed until we had to leave. And it’s one more thing I’ve added to my list of fuck-ups ever since I woke up from that lala land back in the hospital.
I close my eyes, breathing in the fresh snow that fell overnight. I still remember the mornings when she’d drag me out of bed at the crack of dawn because it was one of the clear days and you could feel the cheery rays of sunshine tickling you. Or at least, that’s what she called it. I wish I could go back and cherish those moments more. To burn every detail and word she said into my memory forever.
“I took the only place available,” he grumbles but lies down again, turning his back to me, which I have to admit looks comical on my small couch, but then again, I didn’t invite him so… “And would you shut that big window! Not all of us are paralyzed and can’t feel the freezing cold coming from it.”
I stiffen, waiting for those tendrils of a panic attack to climb over me, but that’s not what I feel when I lean in. And instead of closing it, I open it further letting the chilly wind to settle over his asshole self.
Exton turns around, shooting a menacing glare my way as he mutters, “Bitch.”
And I quickly avert my face from him because I swear I feel my lips twitch at the corners.
I’m starting to think it’s a good thing I hate the guy so much because I’ll take petty over panicky any day of the week. But hemust be as stubborn as I feel because he doesn’t get up, doesn’t storm to close the window, only turns again and pretends to fall asleep.
I don’t really care what he’s doing or what he’s thinking about me. It can’t be anything worse than what I already endured from those who I thought were my family.
So, I tune out his presence and look back out the window.
The next few mornings pass exactly the same. We are blessed with some clear skies, and I’ve gotten such a kick out of annoying Exton in the mornings that I’m almost giddy when we repeat it all on the fourth day of his pointless stay with me.
Pointless, because as soon as I’m done with my sunrises, I lock myself in my room and ignore his hollers and questions or whatever else he throws my way.
How many more windy wake up calls will it take to finally make him leave?
“Why do you look like you’ve gone through a woodchopper?” I ask as I wheel myself into the kitchen where Exton is standing hunched over the island.
He raises his head, and I’m met with a look that if it could, it’d burn me alive.
“You do not want to start with me today.”
Don’t ask me why all of a sudden the only thing I want to do is start it with him today. And since this new Electra has nothing to lose, I do just that. “I had a great night, you know. So comfortable and warm.” I plaster an innocent expression on my face as I get to the fridge.
“Good for you.”
“Aren’t you hockey guys supposed to be used to waking up early for practice and all that?”
“Do you see me playing right now? Why the fuck would I wake up so early when I don’t have to? Four fucking mornings in a row!”
“Speaking of playing…” I prowl on, since I’m on a mission to piss him off enough that he leaves me alone and by the small growl coming from him, I know I’m on the right path. “How long can you go without practicing before you lose your training and skill, hmm?”
I take out a yogurt from the fridge and look up at him with that same innocent look while on the inside my inner bitch is performing axels left and right. “Wait, did you get kicked out?” I widen my eyes, displaying fake surprise because I couldn’t care any less about it. But when he stays quiet, I just keep escalating. “Oh.” I fake wince. “You must be pretty bad than if they kicked you out like that in the middle of the season.”
I don’t know much about the game, but I at least know they are coming close to those playoffs they all rave about. It’s all anyone in Boston—or Iris Lake, for that matter—would ever talk about this time of the year.
Exton’s jaws clench so hard, I’m sure he put a crack in his molars, but then that menacing grin comes back, and a shiver runs down my spine because that look on his face can’t mean anything good for me.
Shit, did I miscalculate it somehow?
“Just remember that I did warn you not to start with me today. I’ll see you in three hours by the front door.”
Any trace of amusement is wiped clean off my face. I set down the unopened yogurt on the counter.
“No, thank you,” I tell him and fully intend to wheel myself away from him when he gets a hold of the handles behind my back and tips my chair back making me yelp as he balances me on the back wheels.
“Are you insane? Let me down!” I screech but the idiot doesn’t do as he’s told.
“Three hours, Electra, or else I’ll come into your room and drag you out myself,” he says and then I feel his hot breath right over my ear as he whispers, “And believe me when I say, I’m willing to doanythingto drag you out.”