Page 19 of Dad Bod Snow Job


The industrial-sized tree baler whirs to life under my hands, and I silently thank whoever designed this costume's stretchy velvet as I bend to guide the Fraser Fir into position. The secret red lingerie underneath gives me an extra boost of confidence, even if no one can see it.

Well, almost no one.

Nico's heated gaze follows my every move from across the yard, his jaw clenching each time my skirt rides up. After our encounter in his office last week, that look promises all kinds of delicious trouble.

"Need help with that, Holly?" Tommy calls out, starting toward me.

A low growl cuts through the winter air. "I've got it."

Nico materializes beside me, his broad chest pressing against my back as he reaches for the controls. His touch is professional, but his voice drops to a whisper only I can hear. "Trying to torture me in that outfit, sunshine?"

I bite my lip, fighting a smile. "Is it working?"

His fingers tighten on the controls. "You have no idea."

The tree slides smoothly through the netting, wrapped tight and ready for transport. I turn to grab another, deliberately brushing against him. The bell on my hat jingles with the movement.

"That's not safe." His hand catches my waist, steadying me. "You shouldn't be operating machinery in that... costume."

"But the kids love it." I gesture to where a small crowd has gathered by the hot chocolate stand, all eyes on the Christmas elf wrapping their trees. "And sales are up thirty percent since last week."

His thumb traces small circles on my hip, hidden from view by the baler. "The costume isn't what's bringing in customers. Your ideas, the social media campaign, the pre-orders—that's all you."

Heat blooms in my chest at his praise. "Does this mean you'll let me film you for the ax-throwing demonstration?"

"Don't push it." But there's a smile in his voice, and his hand stays on my waist.

"Mr. Bennett!" Pete's voice carries across the yard. "Got a call about that equipment order!"

Nico tenses, his fingers flexing against my side before he steps back. "Stay here. I'll handle the next batch myself."

"I'm perfectly capable?—"

"Holly." The way he says my name, rough and wanting, makes my knees weak. "That skirt is dangerous enough without you bending over machinery."

I watch him stride away, enjoying the view. His shoulders bunch beneath his flannel shirt as he disappears into the office, and Iallow myself a small victory grin. Phase one of Operation Seduce the Mountain Man is definitely working.

The shop bell chimes as I duck inside, grateful for the warmth. My fingers are nearly numb from the cold, but it's worth it to see Nico's reaction to the costume. I find him in the storage room, inventory sheets spread across a stack of boxes.

"You're supposed to be outside," he says without looking up, but his shoulders tense at my approach.

"Too cold." I perch on the edge of his makeshift desk, letting my legs dangle. "Besides..." I take a deep breath, suddenly nervous. This isn't just about the van—it's about my future. About showing Nico I'm not going anywhere. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

His pen stills, that intense gaze focusing fully on me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Actually..." I pull the van listing from my pocket, smoothing the creased paper with trembling fingers. "I've been thinking about my future. Here, in Riley's Ridge."

Something flashes in his eyes—hope, maybe, but he guards it quickly. "Thought you'd be heading back to the city once you found a better job."

"That's just it." I slide off the desk to face him properly. "I don't want a better job. I mean, I do, but not in the city. I want to build something here." My voice softens. "This is home."

He stands slowly, like any sudden movement might shatter the moment. "Holly..."

"I want to start a mobile florist business." The words tumble out in a rush. "Not competing with the shop in town—somethingdifferent. Weddings, events, custom installations. I could work with local growers, maybe even source some flowers from that greenhouse you mentioned expanding..."

I hold out the van listing with shaking hands. "This van... it's not just transportation. It's the start of everything I want to build here. In Riley's Ridge."