“Look,” he says, “while I get that you’re eager to return to your boy, this is how it’s going to go: first, we’re going to get ourselves settled. Then, we’re going to attend a very fancy dinner that our host has gone to the trouble of arranging for us.”
My gaze locks on Killian’s. “But I thought you didn’t know you were Tripping with me until the very last minute,” I say.
Killian freezes. And I watch as he swallows, nods, drums his fingers on his knee, like a mouse who’s realized too late that by going after the cheese, he’s stepped into a trap.
“So,” I say. “How could you possibly know about a fancy dinner if you didn’t even know you were Tripping with me?”
Killian rubs his lips together and rakes a hand through his hair. And the second I clock it, I’m on high alert for whatever comes next.
“Fine,” he says. “Here’s the truth—when I saw you at Halcyon, I had no idea. I swear.”
I tilt my head in study, trying not to let on to the whirl of anger churning inside me. “So, when exactlydidyou know?” I ask.
He drops his gaze to his knees, takes a deep breath, then returns his focus to me. “Just after we said goodbye, Arthur messaged me, asking to meet. That’s when he told me.”
“So, all that time in between, you let me believe I was going with Braxton?” I glare at him. “I mean, don’t you think you should’ve warned me? I thought we were friends?”
Killian huffs under his breath, mumbling something I can’t quite make out.
“You owe me an explanation,” I say.
“You’re right.” He sighs. “But Shiv, you can’t pull the friend card whenever it suits you, then serve me a boatload of shit the second I prove I’m a human who needs a moment to determine my whereabouts. Look, I get that you’re angry and probably a bit nervous about the task ahead, but do you think you can maybe cut me a break?”
“I’m sorry,” I say, knowing he’s right. “I’m sorry I was a brat back in that alleyway. But that doesn’t get you off the hook for not warning me. I could’ve—”
“You could’vewhat?” His gaze narrows on mine, and the intensity is so strong, I shift my focus outside the carriage, watching a smear of creamy stone buildings stream by.
I could’ve spent the night with Braxton.
I could’ve been wrapped in his arms, kissing until we were drunk with it, and…
And so much more.
I chance a look at Killian, only to find he’s still staring at me. Who knows how long he’ll try to drag this Trip out? And since Arthur claimed Braxton left on an earlier Trip, who even knows if I’ll see him when I return?
Every time we say goodbye, there’s no way of knowing if it might be the last.
But I can’t afford to think like that. I need to stay strong, get the job done, then deal with everything else as soon as I’m back.
“I just wish you’d told me,” I say, my anger starting to dissipate.
“Believe me,” Killian says. “I wish I had, too. But the choice wasn’t mine.”
“Do you always do what Arthur says?” I run a critical gaze over his face, but Killian doesn’t flinch or look away.
“Don’t you?” His brow lifts.
I shrug but keep my lips sealed. Mainly because we both know that at Gray Wolf, all of us are under Arthur’s rule.
“Look,” Killian says. “All I ask of you tonight is that you play the part. Tomorrow, you’re free to roam as you please—so long as you do so with an escort in tow.”
“And let me guess—that escort is you?”
“Beautiful and clever,” Killian says. “My favorite combination.”
“You know this is ridiculous.” I glare at him.
“Maybe so.” He shrugs. “But this is Tripping. And I don’t make the rules, Shiv. I just try to live by them so I don’t get myself killed.”