Joy floods through me. I rise up on my toes, pressing my lips to his in a gentle kiss. "I love you too.”

He continues to hold me as we look out the window, the lights slowly coming on in the city as darkness begins to fall.

"We'll need to lie low for a while," Nic says. "My father has loyal men who may want to take revenge. And the other families will be watching, waiting to see if there's weakness they can exploit. I need time to stabilize everything."

My heart clenches. After everything we've been through, after his declaration of love, I don’t want to think about the ugliness outside our bubble.

“That means you’ll need to stay close to home for a while, an army of guards around you if you do go out.”

"Are you trying to give me an out?” I don’t hide the annoyance in my voice.

Nic shifts, turning to face me fully. His dark eyes bore into mine. "No, Bellissima. I want you here with me. You and our baby." His hand drifts to my stomach, warm and protective. "But I need you to understand what we're facing. My priority is keeping you both safe and happy. If you feel that is better achieved away from me, from this life, then that’s what we’ll do."

“How could me and the baby be happier or safer anywhere but here with you?”

“Even if that means my being overprotective? Sometimes setting ground rules?”

“As long as I know they’re for our safety and not a power play, yes. I understand this world, Nic. I do. I know my expected role?—”

“Fuck the role. I want you to be you, to challenge me when I need it. Your bravery. Your intelligence. But I also need you safe. That’s all I’m saying.”

“How can I complain about that?”

“If there is a way, you’ll find it.”

I give him a light smack. He catches my hand and brings it to his lips for a kiss.

I decide to change the subject. “You know, Christmas is coming. This would be a great place for a Christmas tree.”

He grins. “See, you’re already turning this place into a home.”

“Well, I’ve only seen this great view so far.”

“How about I give you a tour? We can start in the bedroom. I’ve got wonderfully soft sheets you may want to try out.”

“You should have led with that.” I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Take me to your bed, Nic.”

“I’m taking you toourbed, Bellissima.”


The word wraps around me. It’s full of happiness. Belonging. I’ve found my place. My love. My life.



My life started the day I met Bella, although at the time, I hadn’t realized it. But now I do. I know it as sure as I know Santa brought a shit-ton of gifts for her and the baby.

I watch her sleep next to me in our bed, feeling grateful about all I’ve been given. Not that life is a walk in the park. While the business is mostly under control, there are a few rogue members set on seeking revenge for my father’s death, and none of them buy the idea that I didn’t do it.

My father’s house is in ashes, and I’ve donated the property to a church. If they can’t consecrate the land from the evil that once sat there, no one can.

Bella turns, her naked body snuggling closer to mine. I want to wake her with slow kisses until she’s writhing under me, but I keep my dick in check as I have this fantasy of making love under the Christmas tree. The tree she arranged for us to chop down and drag back up here. I had no ornaments, but she bought some, made some, and in the way only Bella can, made the tree feel like home.

“Merry Christmas,” she says, her voice still laced with sleep.

“Merry Christmas. I think Santa came.”