They weren’t ready for what happened in Buffalo, I think but don’t say. Instead, I press my hand against my still-flat stomach, thinking of the life growing inside me. A life that might never know its father if things go wrong tonight.

I realize I might be acting rude. Gia has been nothing but wonderful to me since Nic’s men brought me here. She gave me clothes so I could get out of that skank dress. I was able to shower the day away, and the makeup as well. She tended my burns from Gino’s cigars.

“I’m sorry, I’m being rude.”

Gia smiles. “You’re worried for my brother.” She tilts her head as if she’s trying to assess what that means. “I’m glad I’m not the only one.”

I can see a resemblance between her and Nic, although their coloring is different. Where Nic has dark hair and eyes, Gia’s hair is a honey color, her eyes green. She’s strikingly beautiful.

“Nic has many who respect and care for him,” Max says, and I can see his love for Nic is the same for him. Like brothers.

I nod, wanting to tell them both how much more Nic means to me than just my protector. How I love him and am carrying his child. But what if Gia disapproves?

The click of the front door sends my heart racing. Max's stance shifts, hand moving to his weapon, but then relaxes as Nic appears in the doorway.

"Nic!" I launch myself across the room, nearly tripping over my feet in my haste to reach him.

His arms wrap around me, solid and sure, pulling me tight against his chest. He smells clean and fresh, a sure sign that he stopped off somewhere to clean up. That annoys me a little bit as it made him take longer. Didn’t he think I’d be worried sick?

I push that away. He's here. He's alive. I press my face into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent.

"It's done," he murmurs into my hair, his voice rough with exhaustion. He lifts his head, and his gaze goes to his sister behind me. "He can't hurt any of us anymore."

Gia's breath catches. “You're sure?"

"I made certain of it myself." He sucks in a breath. “I ordered the house to burn?—”

“Nic, Jesus.” Max whirls toward him. “What about not bringing attention?”

“It will look like Carlo did it.”

Max blows out the breath. “Still?—”

“Everything about that man needs to be vanquished from the earth.” He looks at Gia, and she nods. Of course, she’d know the horrors of her father.

Daniella and Dario burst forward, their excited squeals piercing the heavy atmosphere. "Uncle Nic!"

Nic releases me, dropping to one knee to catch them both in his arms. The transformation in his face steals my breath. Gone is the hardened protector, the killer who just executed his father. In his place is a man whose entire being softens with love.

I hadn’t given much thought about the type of father Nic would be. But seeing this tells me he’ll be a wonderful father.

"There are my gremlins," he says, tickling them both until they squirm and giggle.

Dario climbs onto Nic's shoulders while Daniella hangs from his arm like a monkey. Nic plays with them as if he hadn't just committed patricide.

Finally, he gently disentangles himself from the twins, pressing kisses to their foreheads before sending them off to play. His eyes meet mine, and a small smile tugs at his lips.

"Gia, Max," he says, taking my hand and pulling me close, "there's something else I need to tell you." His arm wraps protectively around my waist. "Bella and I… we're having a baby."

Heat floods my cheeks as Gia's eyes widen. But before I can worry about her reaction, her face breaks into a radiant smile.

"A baby? Really?" She clasps her hands together. "Oh, this is wonderful! The twins will have a little cousin to play with." She shakes her head at Nic. “I knew someday, you’d give in.” She glances at me. “He just needed to find the right woman.”

She wraps me in a hug. It occurs to me that I now have a new sister.

Nic turns to Max, whose expression I can’t read. “No more bachelors for life, eh?”

“Sorry, man. You’ll have to carry on the tradition.”