I comply, letting him recuff me while I pray this works.
The flight is justover an hour, and it’s nearly another hour through the city to my father’s mansion. Two men flank me as we enter the house and head down to my father’s den of debauchery and sin. The idea of Bella being in that room with him makes me sick and fills me with a rage. No matter what happens, he’s dead today. I’ll make sure of it.
The men knock and then push me into the room. My heart stops when I see Bella. She's dressed in a provocative slinky dress, her face painted with makeup, hair styled like a doll’s. The sight of her being forced to dress up for my father's sick fantasies sends my rage into full out fury.
I surge against my captors, every muscle straining to reach her, to tear my father limb from limb. "I'll fucking kill you.”
My father sits in an antique chair like some perverted king on his throne. He finds amusement in my reaction. I know I’ve justgiven away that Bella means something to me. He’ll enjoy using that against me.
Bella's eyes meet mine, wide with fear but blazing with defiance. Even now, she refuses to be broken. Her strength only fuels my courage. I wrench against the cuffs. I don't care if I have to chew through my own hands. I'm going to end my father.
"Such passion. And here I thought you were incapable of feeling anything, Niccolo." The old bastard rises from his chair, moving toward Bella. He nods to the men. “Uncuff him but stay close.” He looks at me. “Perhaps you’ll want to join in.”
“Fucking pervert,” I spit.
"I must say, I'm disappointed. All these years of careful planning, building our empire, and you throw it away for some teenage pussy?"
"I'm going to kill you," I growl, each word a promise. "Slowly. Painfully. You'll beg for death before I'm done."
He throws his head back and laughs. "Such fire! But we both know you won't get the chance." His hand strokes Bella's cheek, and I lunge forward, only to be held back. "Don't worry about your little whore, though. She's young, beautiful. I'm sure she'll find another man quickly enough after you’re dead and I’m done with her. Maybe even tonight at my party."
The room goes red. Every cell in my body screams for his blood. I've killed men before, but never with this primal need for violence. "Touch her again and I'll tear your fucking throat out."
"Language, Niccolo." He clicks his tongue. "Is that any way to speak to your father? Though I suppose I failed in raising you properly. Too soft, like your mother." His fingers trail down Bella's neck. “I did my best to raise you right. All this could have been yours. An inheritance, but you got greedy?—”
“You tried to kill me.”
He shrugs. “I knew when you were a teenager that you would turn on me. I kept thinking you’d change, but alas… it was time for me to be proactive.”
The piercing wail of the fire alarm shatters the tension. My father's head snaps toward the sound, his predatory focus broken for a split second. It's all I need. It’s what I planned.
I break free, and my men release me. Leo, who killed Paulie at the airport, tosses me a gun.
"Surprise, old man," I snarl, leveling the weapon at his chest. "I hope you won’t miss Paulie and TJ too much.” Relief settles in my chest. Finally, I have the upper hand.
At the airport, when Max came through and sent Leo and Eddie to meet us, taking out Paulie and TJ, I thanked God the first part of the plan worked. But until I saved Bella, I wouldn’t feel fully okay. But now, holding the gun on my father, power surges through me.
The sound of gunfire echoes from upstairs and I know my other men are taking care of the rest of my father's security. When this is over, I’ll owe Max big time.
"You really thought I'd come here without backup?" I advance on him. "That I'd leave anything to chance when it comes to protecting what's mine?"
Leo moves to Bella, working to free her from her restraints while keeping his own weapon trained on my father.
My father's hand whips out, producing a gun from his jacket. The barrel aims at my chest, his finger tightening on the trigger.
“Checkmate, Son.”
I have a moment to think,Oh, fuck, he’s got me again.
“No!” Bella cries out. A pillow flies through the air, striking his face. In that split second of distraction, I knock his gun out of his hand and then crash him against the wall. He fights against me, but he’s no match for my size and strength. Not anymore.
Eddie picks up my father’s gun.
"Get Bella out of here," I command, nodding to Leo.
"No." Bella steps toward me. "I won't leave you alone with him."
I keep my father pressed against the wall as I tell her, "I need you safe. Leo and Eddie are going to take you to Gia’s. Max is there. You’ll be safe until I come get you.”