I’m not sure how I got here. I woke up in this strange place, my head throbbing. The room spun into view, all dark wood paneling and ornate furniture that speaks of old money and power. No windows, just elegant sconces casting a soft glow across gilded mirrors.
It took a moment, but then memories flooded back. Going to bed, worrying about Nic but trying to focus on our future. Him, me, the baby.
I heard something in the house and wondered if Nic had returned early. A shadowy figure appeared. Before I could scream, darkness fell over me until I woke up here.
“Go with my men, Niccolo, if you want to see her before you die. Otherwise, die there. I don’t really care.” Gino hangs up the phone. “He always was a difficult son.” He sniffs and then sucks on his cigar.
He gives me a creepy smile as he sits in a chair next to the bed where I’m restrained. "Though I must say, this isn't quite how I imagined welcoming my bride."
"I'm not your bride," I manage to say, hating how my voice shakes.
"Oh, but you are. Your father promised you to me. And now that my disappointing son has had his fun playing house with you, it's time to restore proper order." He reaches out, trailing one finger down my cheek. "Though I must admit, I can’t decide whether I’m disappointed to have his sloppy seconds or I’m excited to take what he thinks is his. Once you’re mine, I’ll be interested to hear how we compare.”
I jerk my head away from his touch, my skin crawling. "I'll never be yours."
"Spirited, just like my previous wives. We'll see how long that lasts." He tilts his head. “I’m assuming my son has tasted you. I mean… look at you.” His gaze rakes over me, making me feel violated. “But then again, my son doesn’t have much of an appetite for fucking. So maybe he was chivalrous.”
I think of Nic's tender touches, his passionate kisses, the way he made me feel cherished and desired. "He protected me when someone tried to kill us."
"Protected you for me, you mean. So he didn’t touch you." His thumb traces my lower lip, and I resist the urge to bite it. "Good. I would hate to have to punish him further for spoiling what's mine." Gino leans in closer, his cologne overwhelming. His fingers slide into my hair, gripping tight enough to make me wince. "That means you’re untouched. I'll enjoy teaching you everything."
Bile rises in my throat. I want to scream, to fight, to tell him I belong to Nic and only Nic. But I stay silent, enduring his revolting caresses, praying my lies will protect the man I truly love.
I try not to vomit as Gino's hand continues to slide across my body.
"Such a momentous night ahead," Gino purrs against my ear. "First, I’m going to claim what’s mine. Make Niccolo watch to teach him a lesson. Then you’ll get to watch my treasonous son die.” His fingers dig painfully into my scalp. "And then I think I’d like to share you with my friends."
My blood turns to ice. "No, please. Don't hurt Nic.”
His brow furrows in surprise. “Begging for my son and not yourself.” He tilts his head, studying me. “Are you sure you’re pure?”
I swallow. “I’ll do anything you ask.”
"Anything?" His laugh is cruel. "Oh, you'll do anything regardless. But first, you'll watch him die."
"He's your son!" Tears stream down my face now.
“So? He plotted to have me killed. Why don’t you feel such shock over that?” Gino's fingers wrap around my throat, squeezing just enough to make breathing difficult. “My son sealed his fate when he tried to take what's mine. His death will serve as an example to others who might challenge me."
"He's your blood," I choke out. "Your firstborn."
"Blood means nothing. Power is everything." His grip tightens momentarily before releasing. "And tonight, everyone will be reminded of exactly who holds the power in this family." Gino finally steps back.
My eyes dart around the room looking for an escape.
"You know what this room is, don't you?" Gino's thin lips curve into a cruel smile. "This is where I kept your predecessors.” Gino runs his hand along one of the bedposts. "Such fond memories in this room.”
A phone rings, cutting through the heavy silence. Gino pulls it from his pocket, his dead eyes lighting up with cruel anticipation.
He glances at me. “So he’s complied. Good. Bring him directly to me at the house. To the Society room.” He hangs up. “There’s much to prepare. Rest up, Bella.”
The door clicks shut behind Gino, leaving me alone with my tears and terror. But I can’t succumb to it. I need to be calm. For Nic. For our baby. I scan the room, looking for something that can help me get free. But it’s clear this room is designed to be a prison, except when in use by Gino and his friends. A sob tries to escape, but I hold it back. I can’t give in to panic now.
I don’t know how long I’m there, waiting, wishing, praying, when the door creaks open. A burly man and a middle-aged woman enter. The woman looks me over with cold professionalism while the man stands guard at the door.
"Get up. Time to make you presentable," the woman orders, yanking me to my feet. My legs shake after being bound for so long. “Behave or Al will get involved.”
I nod my acquiescence, and she undoes my ties and marches me to an ensuite bathroom, all marble and gold fixtures that would be beautiful if it weren’t my prison. The woman efficiently strips me, ignoring my attempts to cover myself.