For the first time, I understand what it means to truly connect with someone, body and soul. To give yourself completely to another person, trusting them with not just your pleasure but your heart. This isn’t sex. This is making love.
She gasps, and her pussy clamps around me, pulsing. I grit back my own orgasm to watch as pleasure washes through her. She’s so fucking beautiful. Too good for me.
“Nic.” My name escapes on her lips, and it sends me to the heavens. I figure this is the only time I’ll be there, as I know my end game is hell. She’s my heaven on earth.
Afterward, I hold her close, marveling at how perfectly she fits in my arms. "Stay with me," I whisper into her hair. I want to ask for forever, but I don't mention that. I’ll settle for her remaining by my side in this bed tonight.
I wake with a start,my hand reaching across the empty sheets beside me. Cold. My chest tightens as I scan the dim room.
The memory of last night floods back, our argument, my apology, making love. I'd fallen asleep with her in my arms, finally at peace. But now she's gone.
I sit up and listen. The silence of the house makes me nervous. Did I say too much? Not enough? What if she decided she's had enough and left? Did she move to another room to get away from me, not ready to give me her full forgiveness?
I throw back the covers, needing to know where she is. As I pass the bathroom, I hear retching and my heart rate spikes. I don’t knock. I open the door and find Bella hunched over the toilet, her dark hair falling around her face.
"Bella?" I kneel beside her, gathering her hair back. Her skin feels clammy under my touch.
She waves me off weakly. "I'm fine. Just give me a minute."
I grab a washcloth, wet it with cool water, and press it to the back of her neck. She leans into my touch but keeps her eyes closed.
"This isn't fine," I say.
"It's nothing. Just a weird stomach bug or something." She sits back on her heels, taking slow breaths. "It comes and goes."
Comes and goes? “How long has this been happening?”
She shrugs. "A week, maybe? It's not a big deal."
She needs a doctor, but I can't imagine how we'll manage that without exposing ourselves.
"I told you, it's just a bug." She stands and rinses her mouth at the sink. "It'll pass."
I study her in the mirror, noting the shadows under her eyes, the slight pallor to her skin.
I don’t know much about women’s bodies, but I do know what getting sick in the morning could mean. I think about our first time together, when the condom slipped as I withdrew.
"Bella, could you be pregnant?"
She freezes, water dripping down her chin. "What? No. It's just a stomach bug."
“Do you have a fever? Other symptoms of a bug?” It’s odd, this feeling I have. It’s like hope. Hope that she’s pregnant. What does that mean?
“I suppose I’m tired, but that’s boredom and… well, feeling alone.” She dries her face. “Besides, you use a condom.”
I nod. “One time, it slipped when we were done. I didn’t think any cum got out, but it could have.”
“Just that once?”
I can’t tell whether the thought of being pregnant freaks her out or not.
"Once is all it takes, and it explains the tiredness and morning sickness.”
"You're being ridiculous. It's stress. Everything that's happening with your father, being cooped up here…" But I can see the doubt in her expression now, the way her hand unconsciously drifts to her stomach.
"When was your last period?" I ask as I calculate the time from when we first made love at the cabin.