I can’t stay here. I can’t let Nic deliver me to a man filled with such vile cruelty and depravity. I push myself up from the chair, standing on wobbly legs. Nic's voice still drifts from the kitchen, engrossed in his conversation with Max. Good. That'll buy me some time.
I creep toward the bedroom, my heart pounding so loudly I'm afraid he'll hear it. Every creak of the floorboards makes me wince, but I press on. I have to get out of here.
In the bedroom, I spot my suitcase and quickly realize it’s too big for me to escape with. I search the closet and find an old gym bag. I grab it and start shoving in only the essentials. Warm clothes, my wallet. Too bad I lent Nic the phone, as I hate to leave without it, but I don’t have a choice.
As I pack, I strain my ears to listen for any sign that Nic's conversation is ending. So far, his muffled voice continues uninterrupted. Fear and determination spur me to move faster.
I zip up the bag and take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I can do this. I have to.
With one last glance around the room, I hoist the bag onto my shoulder. It's now or never.
I glance out the window. The snowfall has stopped for the moment. On the ground, the snow is deep, but not impossible. Surely, the roads are plowed. If I can make it there, I can seek help. A good Samaritan will let me use their phone, and I can call Ava. She’ll help me.
I creep back down the hall to the living room to exit through the front door. Nic's voice still drifts from the kitchen, engrossed in his conversation with Max.
Quietly, I approach the front door, my hand trembling as I reach for the knob. I pull the door open, and a gust of frigid air hits me like a slap to the face.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Before I can react, Nic’s hand slams the door shut, the bang echoing through the cabin. I'm trapped between his body and the door.
Panic fills me. I don’t want to die, but if I’m going to, I’d rather it not be because of Don Nardone.
I whirl around to face Nic, hoping I look fierce, not afraid. “I won’t let you take me to him.”
Nic’s brows pull together. “What are you talking about?”
“You know what sort of man your father is and yet you still plan on handing me over to him.” I feel like I might throw up. I hope it’s on him and he gags.
“You knew what you were signing up for. This isn't news to you."
His words ignite a fresh wave of fury within me. "I didn't sign up for anything!" I shout, my hands clenching into fists at my sides, wanting desperately to beat him to a pulp. "You jerk, you know I didn’t. What’s wrong with you?”
“You need to calm down?—”
"Don't tell me to calm down. I took care of you. I trusted you…” Tears fill my eyes, and I hate that he’s seeing how scared and hurt I am. He won’t care. “It was all a ruse, I guess. If you make me trust you, I’ll be easier to manage, is that it? You’re a monster, just like him.” I desperately reach for the door handle again, my fingers barely grazing it before Nic's strong hands grab me. He spins me around, pinning me against the door with his body. I'm trapped, my back pressed against the cold wood, Nic's face inches from mine.
"Stop, Bella.” His voice is low and intense. "You're not going anywhere."
I struggle against his grip, wishing I could hit him on his wound to hurt him and make him release me. But he’s too strong, and I'm too panicked to think clearly.
"Let me go!”
“It’s not safe.”
I glare up at Nic. "I'd rather take my chances out there than be handed over to your depraved father.”
Nic's jaw clenches, but he remains silent. I take advantage of his hesitation to press on.
"I swear to you, Nic, I'll kill myself before I let you send me to Gino. If I'm going to die, it'll be on my terms. Not at the hands of that… that monster. I won't be tortured or humiliated by him. If that's the fate you're sending me to, I'd rather end it myself."
Nic's grip on me loosens slightly, his touch almost gentle and soothing. "I'm not taking you back to my father.”
I freeze, confusion momentarily overriding my fear. "What?”
“I’m not going to bring you to my father.”
“But… how can you stop it? You're just an underboss, aren't you? Don't you have to follow his orders?"