Fucking hell. I can totally see my father using this situation to get a foot into Chicago.
I wonder if the D’Amatos might be behind this as a means to help Ava save Bella from marrying my father, but don’t see them risking her life if saving her was the goal.
“Nic, there’s something off about all this.”
"What makes you say that?"
“I think the real reason Gino wanted me back in New York was to keep me close. He knows we're tight. He probably figured you'd reach out to me for help if you were in trouble."
I let out a bitter laugh. "Like he really cares. He'd be happy with me dead."
There's a pause on the other end of the line before Max speaks again, his voice low and serious. "That may be the point."
A chill runs down my spine as the implications of what he's saying sink in. My father, wanting me dead? It's not entirely surprising, given our history, but to actually hear it spoken aloud…
Panic rises. “What about Gia and the kids?”
"Gia's okay for now. But when I visited her, she told me Gino had also come by, asking about you.”
If my father ordered the hit and it’s gone wrong, it makes sense that he’d bring Max back and go see Gia, the only two people in the world I trust. Fuck!
“But she’s okay?”
“Physically, yes, but… Christ, Nic, she said Gino threatened to take your niece, Daniella, away from her if she lied about hearing from you. He implied that he’d sell her."
The world tilts on its axis. My little niece, Daniella. Just a child. Innocent. And my father… I feel sick, but that’s quickly quelled by rage.
"I'll kill him," I spit out, my voice trembling with fury. "I swear to God, Max, I'll end him for this."
"Nic, listen to me," Max says urgently. "You can't do anything rash. We need to think this through. Gino is clever and he’s got loyal men.”
I know Max is right, but the rage coursing through my veins makes it hard to think clearly. All I can see is Daniella's sweet face, and the thought of her in danger because of me… because I didn’t eliminate the danger sooner.
“I don’t give a shit. He’s not selling my four-year-old niece to those fucking perverts in his Society.” God, I think I’m going to throw up.
“I know you’ve had concerns, as I have, that he’s gone into trafficking. I’ve been asking about the deal with Rinella, and I think it’s about transporting women and children.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
"Remember that charity he started? The one for 'at-risk youth'? Word is, it's just a front, a way for him to access vulnerable kids."
I’m no saint. I’m happy to break the law for a buck. But not like that. Not by selling people.
“Tell me you’re doing something to protect Gia and the kids. Tell me you’re keeping your word to her mother.”
“I am. I’ll die before Gino gets his hands on her, but… Nic… this is fucked up.”
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Okay, and what about?—”
“I’ll kill his perverted men too. Gino wants a war? Well, I’ll give him one.”
“I’m not one hundred percent sure Gino is the one behind the attempt on your life. It’s just that his actions suggest he’s more concerned with keeping tabs on me and Gia than Rinella, except for attempts to get a direct deal with The Outfit.”
“Doesn’t matter whether he tried to kill me. It’s time for him to go.” But the more I think about it, the more I’m sure my father sent me to Chicago to retrieve Bella with plans to have me killed. Away from home, it would be easier to blame someone else. And if Bella died too, oh, well.
I suppose I should be flattered that my father sees me as a threat. If only he knew the truth. How I’ve talked myself out of killing him for years. Well, no more. As soon as the snow clears, I’m heading to New York. I’m going to make sure that I’m the last person he sees before the life drains from his body.