Without thinking, I reach out, my fingers hovering just above his hair. I hesitate for a moment, then give in to the impulse. Gently, I push his hair from his brow, marveling at its softness. The simple touch sends a thrill through me.

I know I shouldn't feel this way. He's my fiancé's son, for heaven's sake. But in this quiet moment, I can't bring myself to care about should and shouldn't. All I know is that being here, next to him, feels right in a way nothing else ever has.

Careful not to wake him, I shift closer, drawn to his warmth. My eyelids grow heavy as contentment washes over me. For the first time since this ordeal began, I feel truly safe. Protected.

When I wake again, the room is lighter, indicating the morning has fully dawned. The warmth of the bed is gone and I realize Nic is no longer next to me. My first impulse is panic. Has he left?

I scramble out of bed, hastily pulling on my clothes. A sense of urgency washes over me. I hurry out of the bedroom. Relief floods through me when I spot him in the kitchen. He's standing by the window, eyes scanning the snow-covered landscape outside.

For a time, I simply watch him. I’m like a silly schoolgirl with a crush, I realize. It’s embarrassing and at the same time, I relish it. This is the first time I’ve had feelings like this. They’re nice. Sweet. I wonder if this is how Ava felt when she fell for Matteo. I wish we could just hide away in this cabin forever and forget our duties to our families. But I know that’s not possible. When the snow lets up, Nic is well enough to leave. I’m sure he’s dying to figure out who tried to kill him.

I think of the phone I tucked into my suitcase once we arrived here.It’s my lifeline, I remind myself. But after all these days with Nic, I see that we’re a team of sorts. I understand that weneed a phone for him to call his friend and figure out his next steps.

I return to the bedroom and dig the phone out from my suitcase. Then I walk back to the kitchen. "Nic?"

He turns, his expression guarded. "We’re going to need to leave soon," he says without preamble. "The snow's letting up. If we wait too long, whoever's after us might catch up."

“I have something that might help.”

He raises an eyebrow, waiting.

I hold out the phone. “It’s a phone.”

His eyes widen in surprise but quickly narrow in what I fear is anger. “What the fuck, Bella?” He snatches the phone from my grasp. "I asked if you had a phone and you said no.”

I swallow. “I didn’t know you, trust you, then.”

“Jesus fuck! We could be tracked… Do you know the danger?—”

I shake my head. “It’s a burner phone. My sister gave it to me… just in case.”

“Just in case what? Someone tried to kill you? In case you were in danger? Well, news flash, Bambina, you’re in danger.”

His words hurt, but luckily, they also anger me and I try to feel that. “Like I’d use it in front of you?—”

“You think you’re in danger from me?” His eyes flash with annoyed heat.

“I didn’t know, did I? I could have used it when you were lying half dead, but I didn’t. I stayed and took care of you.”

“Gee, you want an award? You’re such a fucking child.” He could have slapped me and those words would still hurt more.

“You didn’t seem to think so when you ran your hands over my breasts.” I have no idea why I’ve said that.

“I think we both know that was wrong.”

Again, his words stab at me. I lift my chin, hoping he doesn’t see how much he’s hurting me. “I can see why no one has everloved you.” For a nanosecond, I think I see the same pain I feel flash in his eyes. But it’s gone so quickly, maybe it's only wishful thinking on my part.

He whirls away and examines the phone. The distance between us feels vast. It’s crazy how fast things have changed. Yesterday at this time, he was kissing me, touching me, and it felt like the most wonderful thing in the world. Today, he sees me as a stupid child.

“You’ve got your phone. You’re welcome.” I turn to leave, muttering, “Nic the Dick.” I want to hide in the bedroom, but that seems childish. So instead, I retreat to the living room, picking up my book to read, even as I can’t decipher the words.

I decide that this change between us is good. Liking him created complications. Now I can focus on the original plan. He’ll find a way to get me to New York safe and sound, and I’ll marry his father. Maybe if I found Nic attractive, I’ll find his father likable enough. Gino has a reputation for being cold, but he’s old enough that perhaps he’s mellowed. Maybe we can forge a friendship, a marital partnership. I’ll play my part as a dutiful Mafia wife, living in sophistication and glamor in New York, and Nic can live his life alone and lonely.



Istare at the phone in my hand. A torrent of feelings threatens to burn me to ash. The emotions take me by surprise with their intensity. I'm not usually one to lose my cool so easily.