I driftin and out of consciousness, my world a hazy blur of pain and fever dreams. Somehow, I end up back in the king-sized bed, which becomes my entire universe.
In my more lucid moments, I'm aware of Bella's presence. She's always there. Her cool hand on my forehead, her gentle voice as she coaxes me to drink water or take medicine.
But it's in my dreams that Bella truly shines. She's a fierce, brave woman who stands by my side. In these fever-induced visions, she's bold and daring, her gray eyes flashing with determination as we face unseen enemies together. Sometimes, she’s touching me in soft, sweet ways, and the man in me responds.
At night, I feel her presence next to me in the bed. It's comforting in a way I've never experienced before. Never in my life has anyone been so attentive to my needs. The knowledge that she's there, watching over me, caring for me, creates a warmth in my chest that has nothing to do with my fever. Stranger still is the trust I feel. I’m completely vulnerable here, which isn’t a feeling I like. And yet, relying on this young woman I barely know is easy. In fact, there's a part of me that revels in it.
In my more coherent moments, I try to rationalize these feelings. It's just the fever, I tell myself. The vulnerability of being injured. But deep down, I suspect there's more to it than that.
As the next days blend together, I look forward to the brief moments of clarity when I can see Bella's face and hear her voice. She’s forgiven me enough to read to me. This time, it’s an old noir mystery with a femme fatale that I picture as Bella. And sometimes we talk.
Ever since she chewed me out about how her life wasn’t completely her own, I’ve wondered what she’d do if she weren’t bound by her father’s control.
“If you could do whatever you wanted in life, what would it be?” I ask as she settles on the bed next to me, ready to go to sleep.
Bella blinks, surprised by the question. She's quiet for a long moment, her brow furrowed in thought. Then her expression turns sad. “I don’t know. It was never an option. My whole life has been planned out for me."
I reach up, my finger caressing her cheek, willing away the sadness in her eyes.
She continues, her voice barely above a whisper. "When Ava married for love, I saw how happy she was. I think… I think I would have liked that. To fall in love, to choose my own path."
I think of my father, of the loveless marriage she's heading toward, and something twists in my gut.
"Have you ever been in love?" I ask.
Bella's soft laugh reaches my ears. "Me? No. I'm only nineteen, remember?"
"Age doesn't matter," I mumble, my eyes still closed. "Love can hit you at any time."
"Speaking from experience?" she teases.
“No. I've never been in love either."
"Never?" She sounds surprised. Probably because I’m such an old man in her eyes. It occurs to me that I’m as perverted as my father to have some of the thoughts and dreams I’ve had about her.
I shake my head. “Unlike you, I’ve never seen it. At least, not the romantic type. I love my sister and her kids. I’d die for them.”I’d die for you.The thought tilts my world on its axis.
“But you have girlfriends?”
I study her, wondering what she’s really asking. “Not really. If you’re asking if I have sex, the answer is yes, but not relationships.”
Her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink and she looks down. “Do they like it?”
I nearly choke. “Are you asking if I’m good in bed?” I’m still sick as a dog, but my dick feels healthy as a horse at the thought of showing her just how good I am between the sheets.
She bites her lip, and I’m worried I’m embarrassing her. “My mother told me sex is something to be endured, but Ava said it doesn’t have to be like that.”
I close my eyes because I know without a doubt that my father would give her the type of sex that needed to be endured. Not just by him, but he’d possibly share her with his buddies.
“I make sure the women I’m with want sex too, and that they enjoy it.”
She pulls the blankets high, to her chin. “That’s nice.” She wants to end this conversation, but I’m not ready.
"Is that all you’d want in life?" I prompt gently. "Just love?"
Bella shakes her head, a spark of something, determination, maybe, lighting up her eyes. "No, not just that. I'd want to travel, to see the world beyond Chicago and New York. Maybe… maybe even go to college."
I smile at her enthusiasm. "What would you study?"