“Does this doctor come across a lot of gunshot wounds?” I ask.

“No. But he and his family enjoy a lot of outdoor activities.” She cleans my wounds again and then uses the devices to close the bullet holes. It hurts like hell, but as her fingers brush along my skin, I notice the soft sensation of her touch more.

As she finishes, our eyes meet. For a moment, I feel something pass between us, something that isn’t hate or resentment. Perhaps a flicker of understanding. Or maybe it's just the pain and blood loss making me see things that aren't there.

“You’re good at this. Have you done it before?” I’m almost jealous of any men she’s tended to in the past. It’s a sign of delusion from too much blood loss.

“No. You should have more water and some food.”

“I’m not hungry.” Mostly, what I want to do is climb in a hole until I’m better or dead. I wouldn’t mind her climbing in with me. There’s something comforting about her. “I just need to rest for a bit.”

"What if someone comes?”

“Hide. Run. Do whatever you have to do to survive, and call Max. Just don't go to my father or yours." I pause, fighting another wave of dizziness. "But if no one comes, the safest thing for you right now is to stay close."

“Fine. I’m getting food.”

She rises, but I reach out, taking her wrist. "Thank you.”

She tugs her wrist back, no doubt concerned that I’m tricking her to tie her up again. "Don't thank me. I'm just trying to keep you alive long enough to get us out of this mess."

I nod, wincing at the movement. "Still… I appreciate it."

“Yeah, well, I’m a sucker for wounded animals.”

I can't help but chuckle at Bella's words, despite the pain it causes. "A sucker for wounded animals, huh? What sort of animal am I?”

“Not the cute and cuddly kind, that’s for sure.”

I find that oddly funny too. “In my world, being cute and cuddly would be bad.” It's a surreal moment, sharing a joke with this girl I've essentially kidnapped while I'm bleeding out on a couch. But somehow, it lessens the tension.

“So far, I don’t like your world.”

“Ah, but you must know, you live in this world too. Your father sheltered you, but you’re in it. And as far as I can tell, you’re a survivor. He didn’t take that away from you.”

Her gray eyes watch me, and I get the feeling that she takes my words as a compliment. Good, because they were.

She crosses her arms. “Yeah, well, I’ve had enough.”

“Admit it, I'm growing on you."

She scoffs, but there's less heat in it than before. "Like a fungus, maybe."

For a moment, we just look at each other, the tension between us easing a bit more. I find myself grateful for it.

I’m drifting off again, the pain and exhaustion pulling me under. As my eyes close, I wonder if Bella will still be here when I wake up. Part of me hopes she'll stay while another part wishes she'll run far away from this mess she’s been dragged into.

My thoughts blur as sleep takes hold. I'm still in the cabin, but everything feels different. Softer. Warmer. Bella's there, her touch gentle as she tends to my wound. But this time, her fingers linger, tracing patterns on my skin that send shivers through me.

"Bella," I murmur, reaching for her.

She smiles, a look in her eyes I've never seen before. Gone are the anger and fear, replaced by something warmer. More inviting.

She leans close, her breath hot against my ear. "I'm here, Nic. I’ll take care of you. Where does it hurt?”

My hand points to my side. She leans over, pressing a kiss on my wound. A new sort of ache replaces the pain.This isn't right,I think hazily. She's too young, too innocent. But in this dream world, those concerns feel distant and unimportant.

“Anywhere else?”