“You did it quite handily the last time, Your Highness.”

“Yes, but how many times can we explain things away before Father inevitably concludes Nathan is too naive to be a royal?” Elena rose and crossed to the dressing area to change.

“I don’t think he’ll conclude that. Besides, it’s all conjectureuntil Prince Julian reveals whatever vile thing he’s crafted to drive you batty.” Caroline held out a dinner dress for her to step into.

“Whatever it is,” Elena answered as she waited for Caroline to fasten it, “you can be certain it is vile. He knows nothing else. I cannot understand how Alexander turned out to be so lovely and his two siblings so awful.”

“Isabelle seems to have settled quite a bit after her talking to by His Majesty.”

“For now. Give her time. And speaking of, have you heard the latest?”

Caroline flicked her eyebrows up as she fastened Elena’s necklace.

“I am to ask her to be my maid of honor. Can you imagine? She will beat me with my bouquet rather than hold it, and likely shred my train instead of adjusting it.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“Ask Maddie.”

“Mr. Kingsley’s young sister?”

“Yes, I think she will enjoy it very much. And I will enjoy someone who does not hate me standing beside me on my wedding day.”

Caroline held out the wrap for Elena. “I don’t think she hates you, but she is rather jealous.”

“For what reason? She is a princess.”

“She will likely never be queen.”

“All the better. She enjoys all the trappings of royal life with none of the responsibilities. Why should she be so resentful of me who has the more difficult lot?”

“Well, I believe some of the jealousy stems from more than that, but good luck with convincing your father of your choice.”

Elena heaved a sigh, adjusting the wrap hanging from herforearms. “I plan to concede a spot for her in the bridal party. I hope that does the trick.”

“Good luck, Your Highness. I will be awaiting the news of Prince Julian’s antics anxiously.”

“Thank you,” Elena said as she stepped from the room and pulled the door closed behind her.

Alexander strode down the hall toward her, and she waited for him. “Please tell me you’ve solved one of the two problems facing us.”

“Are there only two?”

“Julian’s stupidity that has him grinning and gloating is the first.”

“And my wedding is the second,” I answered with a sigh.

“Certainly not. That’s hardly an issue. My problem with Lady Margaret is far more troublesome than that.”

“Speak for yourself. I’m being asked to have Isabelle as a maid of honor. That will be a complete disaster.”

“So will my marriage to Margaret. Elena, you must help me.”

“And I will. I have several ideas, actually. You were so helpful with Nathan, and I intend to do the same for you.”

He let his head fall back between his shoulder blades. “Oh, thank you, Elena. And I quite liked Nathan.”

“I hope you will find someone like him as a partner instead of stuffy Margaret. I can’t imagine her at our dinner parties.”