Nate puffed out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank heavens.”
“See, I told you she wasn’t leaving you at the altar,” Victoria said with a pinch of his chin. “Now, you two get in place so we can start this wedding already.”
Nate and Stephen took their places on the altar and,after a few minutes of waiting, the string quartet was given the signal to begin the wedding march. The bridal party proceeded down the aisle with a pink-cheeked Maddie grinning at her partner, Alexander, followed by Isabelle who gave Stephen a coy smile as she took her place.
The music shifted, and as the doors to the vestibule swung open, Elena entered like a burst of sunlight. She appeared just as the storm passed, streaming through the stained-glass windows and painting the pews, adorned with white roses and ivy, in a kaleidoscope of colors.
The guests turned, their faces illuminated by the soft glow, each one reflecting a mix of awe and joy at the sight of the radiant bride.
Her beauty took Nate’s breath away. He’d never have guessed she had just ridden through the snow on horseback to get here.
She grinned at him before she glanced to her father and nodded. A photographer captured the moment between father and daughter before they proceeded down the aisle.
When they reached the altar, King Frederick thrust his hand forward to shake Nate’s.
“Take care of her, Mr. Kingsley.”
“Always,” Nate answered before he offered his arm to Elena.
She accepted it and they proceeded to the altar. As the minister began the ceremony, Elena leaned closer to Nate, a grin on her lips. “Terribly sorry for the delay. We had to make some adjustments.”
“I heard,” he answered. “I thought you were leaving me at the altar.”
“Not a chance, darling. Not after what we’ve been through.”
They exchanged vows and rings before the officiantmotioned for King Frederick to step forward. The king rose with an attendant hurrying behind him.
Elena offered Nate a grin and a nod as the king spoke to the guests gathered in the chapel.
“In recognition of this union and by the power vested in me as sovereign of Eldoria, I hereby bestow upon Nathan Kingsley the title of Prince of Eldoria. Prince Nathan, welcome to our family.”
The attendant passed over the purple sash, and King Frederick placed it over his head. A wave of applause swept through the chapel, and guests smiled warmly, some nodding as they recognized the significance of the moment–not just a union of hearts, but a welcoming of a new member into the royal fold.
“Thank you,” Nate answered, “Your Majesty.”
The king bobbed his head toward the officiant before he took his seat again.
The man stepped forward as the couple turned to face the crowd. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Elena beamed at him as they turned to each other, leaning closer for their first married kiss.
When they parted, Nate grinned at her before they paraded down the aisle to applause.
As the ceremony concluded and they walked down the aisle, arm in arm, Nate felt a surge of relief and accomplishment. They had faced public scrutiny, familial opposition, and personal doubts, yet here they were, stronger and more united. He knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with the same courage and love that had brought them to this joyous day.
After the receiving line and dozens of best wishes and congratulations, the endless parade of photographs tookplace both inside and outside of the chapel before they were whisked away to the reception.
Music floated from within as they waited to be announced to the hundreds of people in attendance.
Nate’s heart soared at the words, “Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Nathan and Princess Elena.”
As they took the floor for their first dance, a perfectly crafted waltz that Nate had practiced for weeks, he grinned at her.
She flicked her eyes to the side as the bridal party joined in with them. “I think your brother may be the next in line for a wedding.”
“He seems to be getting along famously with Isabelle.”
“Yes,” Elena said with a giggle. “She is just the right amount of danger for him without being quite as…vulgar as Chloe.”