“I think after everything you’ve been through, yes. You are making a good match on all counts. And I think you will be very happy.”

Elena smiled, some of the tension in her shoulders releasing at her mother’s approval.

A knock at the door brought the rest of the wedding party inside.

“Oh, Ellie, you look so beautiful!” Maddie said.

Elena grinned at her, studying the navy gown she wore. “As do you. This turned out rather well, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, I really love the dress,” Maddie said with a smile as she ruffled the tulle skirt and smoothed a hand over the silky bodice.

“I’m so pleased. I know you thought the color a bit dull, but…”

“No, it’s really pretty. I’m glad we picked it.”

Isabelle sauntered closer in her unique dress that matched Maddie’s in color. “Never underestimate the power of a subtle color. You look lovely, cousin.”

“Thank you. I’m so pleased to have you standing at myside. And…if I’m not mistaken, I could be standing at yours one day soon?”

Isabelle offered her a smirky smile as she took her place at her side for pictures. “Let’s not jump to any conclusions just yet.”

“Are you saying you aren’t madly in love with Stephen Kingsley?”

“I’m saying I’ll reserve my opinion for after I see how your marriage goes,” she answered.

Elena clicked her tongue in mock teasing. “Honestly, Isabelle.”

Maddie frowned at them. “I can’t believe you both are into my brothers, but Alexander won’t look twice at me.”

“What can I say?” Isabelle answered. “My brother is a fool.”

“He’s a bit old for you, Maddie,” Elena answered. “You don’t want someone that old. When you’re in your prime, he’ll be an old man.”

Maddie pouted. “He’s a really cute older guy, though.”

Elena chuckled. “He won’t be when he has hair growing from his ears and walks with a cane and you’re only thirty.”

“He’s notthatmuch older than me,” Maddie protested.

“You’ll find the right one, darling, when the time is right,” Elena answered as Victoria hurried into the room.

“I’m so sorry to be late. I had to tie Nate’s tie one last time. And it made me cry.”

Queen Sophia offered her a consoling smile. “Elena has told you about the in-law residence, hasn’t she?”

“She has,” Victoria answered, “but it just won’t be the same as seeing him every morning over breakfast.”

Queen Sophia nodded. “I understand. We’re quite lucky to be able to see Elena so frequently. If you’d like to stay in the palace instead…”

“We’ll work all of that out,” Victoria answered with adismissive wave. “I don’t want to take anything away from Nate and Ellie’s day.”

She flicked her gaze to Elena, finally taking in her look and pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh, Ellie, you look exquisite.”

“Thank you. I’m so glad you think so. Now, I believe we need pictures together.”

Victoria hurried to stand next to her as the photographer snapped photographs.

“Well,” Caroline said as they finished with the various shots the photographer recommended, “ladies, it is time for you to take your leave. Only King Frederick will travel to the chapel with Her Highness.”