Her father heaved a sigh before he bobbed his head. “Allright. We shall keep the plans as they are. And you are correct. No one is scandal-free. Perhaps this is a good argument to pursue along with the potential line of succession. I will give it all thought and discuss it with the advisors.”

“Will you let me know what course you decide to take?”

“I will,” King Frederick answered.

“I will check back with you later, then,” she said as she rose and stepped toward the door.

“Elena,” he called after her.

She twisted to face him. “Yes?”

He offered her a slight smile. “I appreciate the discussion this morning. You have shown your maturity in handling this. You will make a wonderful queen one day, and if this decree stands…well, it is Eldoria’s loss.”

She smiled back at him. “I hope it won’t be Eldoria’s loss. I love my country, and I have no desire to walk out on my duty to it, but I will not be forced into a loveless marriage when there is no reason to be.”

“I have raised a wise daughter. We will solve this. I promise.”

She offered him an encouraging nod before she stepped from the room, blowing out a long breath. The cat was out of the bag with her father, and he hadn’t demanded she call the engagement off.


She snaked through the halls to her bedroom, pushing inside to find Caroline tidying her vanity. “Have you spoken with your father?”

“I have. And I even told him everything that is going on with the Kingsleys.”

Caroline’s eyes went wide as she straightened. “Oh, dear. How did he take it?”

“Surprisingly well. He was not pleased, obviously, but he has not demanded I call off the engagement.”

“That is excellent news, Your Highness.”

“Well,” Elena said as she adjusted her dress in the mirror, “he did ask me to rethink it but not because of that. It was a fleeting thing where he asked if I would postpone until this could be sorted. I do feel for him, though, Caroline. All of this is on his shoulders.”

“And yours. You are the future Queen of Eldoria.”

“Well, perhaps. The legislators seem to be in favor of keeping this.” Elena sighed as she sank onto the edge of her bed. “Why, I cannot understand.”

“You know, some of them may see the monarchy as something…sacred. To allow a commoner into it may seem…well, common.”

“But commoners aren’t terrible people or anything to be ashamed of. We are not sacred. We are people. People who grow up learning about the profound sense of duty we must undertake, but people just the same. A commoner ascending as a consort is hardly tainting the monarchy.”

“Perhaps not, though I imagine they feel every Tom, Dick, and Harry may attempt to win over a prince or princess.”

“That is ridiculous. And even if it turned out to be the case, it is entirely up to that prince or princess who their spouse should be.”

“Well, let us hope your father can make them understand that.”

Elena frowned at the area rug under her feet. “You make a very interesting point, though, Caroline. And I don’t know what to do about it.”

Caroline knitted her brows. “What do you mean?”

“Some of them probably do view the monarchy as sacred. And I haven’t a clue as to how to reverse this idea without diminishing our roles.”

Caroline sank onto the bed next to her, sliding an arm around her shoulder. “It is a conundrum, though I am certainyou will solve it. Your role should not be diminished, because you are the keeper of this country.”

“I certainly hope we can. I love Nathan, and I can think of marrying no one else. But the sense of duty I have to Eldoria is making that very difficult to be happy about.”

“Well, perhaps your appointments today will help relax your mind and clarify your next steps.”