“Oh, heavens.” He crossed to his chair and collapsed into it. “Well, go ahead.”
She perched on a chair across from him. “I heard from Nathan last night. They have had some unexpected news that may prevent them from coming to Eldoria as planned for the engagement announcement.”
“I hope it’s nothing too tragic.”
“Do you remember Chloe, Stephen’s wife?”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “How could I forget? One of Julian’s…playmates.”
“Yes. Well, Stephen and she are divorcing. Well, they were. It was contentious. She accused Stephen of assaulting her.”
King Frederick let his hand fall onto the arm of the chair with a slap. “Press we do not need if it should come to light.”
Elena tugged her lips back in a wince. “I’m afraid there’s more.”
He flicked his gaze to her, his eyes flickering with questions.
“Chloe is…well, there is no easy way to say this,” Elena said, rubbing her forehead. “She’s been murdered. Nathan is convinced they will be arresting Stephen, though he maintains his belief in his brother’s innocence.”
The king heaved a long sigh. “Well, there goes my idea to introduce the legislators to Mr. Kingsley’s impeccable record to convince them that this marriage could only benefit our country.”
Elena pressed her lips together, her mind racing to piece together her thoughts. “Wait, just a moment.”
“Elena, no. The idea existed on the fringes of my mind, but with this development, we do not wish to call attention to the family now.”
“But, Father, that’s it!”
“I doubt it. I can inform the legislature of Mr. Kingsleys impeccable character outside of the murder charge looming over his brother’s head. I think not.”
“But royals are not immune to scandal. The legislators are under the misguided impression that marrying royal blood means no scandals, but that is far from the truth. Julian has proven that. And we may be able to get even more on him.”
“Get more on him?”
Elena’s eyebrows raised as her words gushed from her. “Isabelle paid me a visit last night.”
“Oh, no, more trouble.”
“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “We put our differences aside. She believes what Julian is doing is wrong. And she has agreed to try to seek information from him.”
“I doubt he will give any, even to her.”
“She already had some to share,” Elena answered, inching forward to the edge of her seat. “According to Isabelle, Eric was so motivated to marry me because–”
“You are an exceptional choice?”
“Thank you, Father, I appreciate your candor, but no. Apparently, the Corinthian legislature is considering removing the royal family from ruling.”
Her father’s eyes widened as he stiffened in his seat. “No. It cannot be. I wonder if Isabelle has passed along misinformation.”
“I don’t know, but I would look into it. Father, this is a prime example of what forcing a royal marriage can do. Had I married Eric, Eldoria could have been on the verge of collapse. The Corinthian coffers are nearly empty from their mismanagement.”
King Frederick let his chin sink into his palm as his forehead creased. “How interesting. I must look into this.”
“Yes, I would advise it. And do not worry about the Kingsleys. I have no doubt this will pass, though we may need to postpone our announcement.”
“You will keep me informed? Perhaps we ought to postpone preemptively for some breathing room.”
Elena shook her head. “I would rather we didn’t. Father, please, I want to announce this so I can begin making plans for the Christmas Eve wedding. I do not want to push it until next year.”