“What?” Nate’s features twisted in shock. “Stephen! I’m pretty certain you were supposed to stay away from her after what happened yesterday.”

“Yeah, I know that. I didn’t go inside. I just…I drove by her place.”

Nate set his hands on his hips, shaking his head. “I can’t believe this. Stephen, if anyone saw you…or if you’re on a traffic cam…”

“Yeah, I get it. It’s bad. I get it. But…there’s something else.”

“Please do not tell me you went to her door or called her and told her you were there.”

Stephen’s features pinched as he shook his head. “No.”

“Well, then what is it?”

Stephen licked his lips, his eyes locking onto Nate’s. “Mom was there.”

Nate’s heart stopped as the three words slashed at him like a knife. What was his mother doing at Chloe’s in the middle of the night shortly before the woman was murdered?



Elena paced the hall outside of her father’s office as she awaited his arrival. He hadn’t been at breakfast, out early to speak with several advisors and a few legislators. She’d taken a quiet breakfast alone in her room since her mother had an early charity meeting. She had no desire to run into her nasty cousin.

Finally, her father appeared at the far end of the hall, his determined stride leading a hurried procession of advisors who trailed behind him like shadows.

“Father, there you are.”

Judging by the expression on his features, things had not gone well.

“How did things go this morning? Is there hope?”

“There is always hope, Elena,” her father answered as he strode into his office.

“Your expression says otherwise."

He arched an eyebrow at her. “I did not say there was much hope.”

Her shoulders slumped at the words. “Is it that bad?”

“There are several members of the legislature who believe the decree is a good thing. Designed to maintain the reputation and character of the monarchy.”

Elena’s features pinched. “Character of the monarchy!”

“And this is why I went alone,” he answered with a wag of his finger.

“Oh, Father. They ought to have been put in their places over such nonsense. How is that for the character of the monarchy!” She crossed her arms as she lifted her chin.

“This must be handled delicately, Elena. We do not wish to lose this battle. Particularly with your steadfastness to Mr. Kingsleys and Alexander’s…fickleness.”

“Fickleness? Simply because he prefers to choose his own wife?”

King Frederick sighed, clasping his hands behind his back as he stared out the window.

Elena narrowed her eyes, reading her father’s stance all too easily. “You do not agree.”

“I do not. Elena, I know you do not wish to hear this, but are you quite certain about this pairing with Mr. Kingsley?”

Elena’s jaw dropped open. “You cannot be serious.”