“Yes. She was lying, I know it. She was trying to get some leverage to get something out of us because we had her on the affair. I know she was lying.”

“Of course, she was. Stephen would never do something like that.”

His heartbeat calmed a little at her words. “Thanks for the support. I appreciate that.”

“But now with this…wrinkle…they may suspect Stephen to be the culprit.”

He twisted on his heel and strode in the opposite direction. “No one’s accused him of anything yet, but…I’m sure he’s going to be on the short list of suspects. Between the divorce and the arrest, they’re going to be looking at him.”

“Oh, heavens. How is your mother taking it?”

“She’s not happy. I think she’s pretty heartsick over this.”

“I can imagine. Oh, darling, I’m so sorry. Please send my love to her.”

“Thanks, Ellie, I will. Hey, umm, this could…depending on the timing, affect our trip to Eldoria. I hope it doesn’t, but…I think we need to be prepared for the possibility that my entire family may not make it out there.”

Elena heaved a sigh on the other end of the line. “I understand. We’ll take it day by day, and if we must postpone…”

“Let’s hope we don’t have to,” he answered, his stomach twisted in knots as he faced the prospect.

“Yes, of course. I will keep this under my hat for the moment and hope nothing comes of it.”

He knew what she was driving at. She wouldn’t spill the information to her father, who may very well try to put a stop to their engagement. “I appreciate that. Now, you said you had some…bad news, too?”

“Nothing compared to this.”

“I’d still like to hear it. We’re a team, right? And I just unloaded all my problems on you.”

Elena offered a soft chuckle. “Yes, we are, and you hardly unloaded anything. I’m always here to listen.”

“Same. So, spill it.”

Elena sighed on the other end. “Julian has struck again.”

“With?” Nate asked, wondering if he had any hand in Chloe’s demise.

“He found some ancient royal decree stating that anyone ascending to the throne must marry royal blood.”

Nate’s heart stopped. Had he heard right? “So…”

“So, our marriage would automatically disqualify me from becoming Queen.”

His stomach clenched. It had been what he suspected. If Elena went through with the wedding, she’d lose her crown. “Oh, Ellie…”

He wondered if she’d tell him there was no need to come out of the engagement because she was not going to marry him.

“Father and I are working on a solution. Even Isabelle is helping.”

“Your cousin who hates you?” Nate furrowed his brow.

“Yes. We have…talked through some of our differences. And we are working together to solve this issue. And just to be clear…I will not be stopped from marrying the man I love by some dusty decree.”

She always had a way of setting him at ease. His lips tugged into a smile. “Well, I wasn’t going to let you off the hook quite that easily, you know?”

“I hope not. And I’m not letting you off the hook either. I fully expect the situation with Stephen to resolve so we can announce our engagement and move forward with the wedding. I’ve already hired a wedding planner.”

“Oh, yeah?” His heart ached as he realized he wanted to be in Eldoria discussing all this with her. “I can’t wait to see what he or she has planned.”