Isabelle reached for Elena’s hand with a slight smile. “I am, too. And now, I will leave you sleep. I will attempt to seek information from Julian tomorrow.”

“Perhaps you shouldn’t,” Elena suggested. “I don’t want you running afoul of any of this.”

“I won’t be in any danger,” Isabelle assured her. “Good night, Elena.”

“Isabelle, wait…”

The woman twisted around, her fingers lingering on the doorknob. “Yes?”

“I was…I had intended to speak to you about this earlier…I had made a decision about my wedding party–”

“And you prefer I not be in given my past behavior.” Isabelle clasped her hands in front of her as she nodded. “I understand.”

“Given that we are turning over a new leaf, I would be so pleased if you were to be my maid of honor.”

Isabelle’s eyebrows shot up at the words. “Are you certain? You seemed to have someone else in mind.”

“And that person will be included in my wedding party, just not as my maid of honor.”

A smile curved her cousin’s lips as her gaze rested on Elena. “I would love to, Elena. Thank you.”

Elena crossed to her cousin, pulling her into a hug. “I am so pleased we had this talk. We’ll speak again soon.”

Isabelle offered her a nod before she left them behind.

Caroline blew out a long breath, her eyes wide. “Oh, my. That was…incredible.”

“On so many levels,” Elena answered with a nod as she plopped onto the edge of the bed.

“It was lovely that you asked her to be your maid of honor. I thought you had decided against it.”

“I had. I hope I am not misplacing my trust in her, but I thought the gesture seemed appropriate given our new strides.”

“I quite agree,” Caroline said with a nod. “What do you make of the rest of it?”

“Interesting,” Elena said as she stared into space, the details of the conversation running through her mind again. “Very interesting. The Corinthian royals are on the verge of being removed? How fascinating. I feel a tad sorry for them, but it sounds as though they’ve used their country’s funds to create their personal playground rather than govern.”

“Thank heavens you didn’t go forward with announcing your engagement to him.”

“Yes,” Elena said with a nod. “And…wouldn’t I give up my right to rule if I married him, and he is stripped of his royal title?”

Caroline’s jaw dropped open. “That or…oh heavens.”


“What if he intends to use Eldoria’s money to prop up Corinthia?”

Elena’s eyes went wide. “I wouldn’t put it past him. Father needs to know all of this.”

“I agree.” Caroline nodded. “Will you wake him to tell him?”

“No, it can keep until morning. I will never be able to sleep, though.”

“Perhaps some hot chocolate? It may help you sleep.”

Elena smiled at her. “Only if I may accompany you to the kitchen for it.”

“I could bring it up.”