Nate’s stomach clenched. “Why not? Is there a problem with Stephen’s case?”

“You could say that.”

Nate creased his brow, shifting his gaze between his parents. “What is it?”

Charles leaned forward, clasping a fist in his other hand as he set his elbows on the table. His voice dropped to a gravelly whisper, the words hanging heavy in the air. “Chloe was found dead last night. They’re investigating it as suspicious.”

A cold shiver raced down Nate’s spine as reality settled in. Even in death, Chloe cast a long shadow over their lives. Memories of their tumultuous past mingled with a gnawing worry that her death would further complicate things for the Kingsleys.



Elena frowned as she whipped her robe around her shoulders and yanked the tie tight around her waist. Next to her, Caroline wrung her hands as she shifted her gaze between Elena and her visitor.

“What are you doing here, Isabelle?”

“Well, hello to you, too, Elena.” Isabelle crossed her arms as she cocked a hip.

“I’m being serious. What trouble are you here to cause?”

“None,” her cousin answered. “I’m here to help.”

A laugh escaped Elena’s lips, and she slapped a hand against her thigh.

Isabelle’s features melted into an unimpressed stare. “I am not joking.”

Elena’s chuckled died down, and she sucked in a breath as she sobered. “All right. Then, again, I ask, why are you here?”

“For once, we have a common enemy.”

“You?” Elena asked, crossing her arms.

Isabelle clicked her tongue. “Honestly, Elena, you make me wish that I hadn’t come.”

“Why did you?” Elena asked, her hands falling to her hips. “I still cannot understand, Isabelle. There is no love lost between us.”

Isabelle glanced to her feet. “You’re right. We have been at odds for most of our lives, though not for the reasons you think.”

“Oh?” Elena asked. “Are you not jealous, then?”

“Of you? Yes. Of your crown? No.”

Elena fluttered her eyelashes. For as long as she could remember, her cousin had done anything she could to make Elena look bad, from ruining her dress with a wine spot, to pushing her into a pond “accidentally”.

“Hard to believe, given our history.”

Isabelle heaved a sigh. “It’s true. I don’t want anything to do with the throne, and I never have. I…resented you because of the way you were. So effortlessly affable, like Alexander.”

Elena wrinkled her brow. “All right, so you aren’t trying to steal my crown. Then what common enemy do we have?”

“Julian and Eric. Theyaretrying to steal your crown.”

Elena lifted her chin. “Yes, they are. But it does not affect you. Never fear, Isabelle, Julianwilltake the throne. It will never get to you.”

“Yes, I understand that. But I do not wish to see himorEric win.”

“Really?” Elena pulled her chin back toward her chest. “What has Eric done to earn your ire?”