Nate screwed up his face. “What’s that supposed to mean? What’s wrong?”

Victoria shook her head, her lips pinched as she rubbed her temples. “Stephen was arrested.”

Nate’s eyes went wide as his jaw dropped open. “What? For what?”

Visions of his own drinking after his break-up with Chloe danced in his mind. That woman did a number on people, and he’d only escaped with the help of his family and Elena. Pity welled inside of him for his brother who had likely become Chloe’s next victim.

Victoria’s eyes clouded with worry as she shook her head. “He went to talk to Chloe. She says he…assaulted her.”

Nate scoffed, setting his hands on his hips. “Wow. She’s a piece of work.”

“I told him to stay away from her.” Victoria’s voice cracked with emotion.

Nate set his hands on his mother’s shoulders. “Mom, it’s okay. She’s lying.”

“But it's his word against hers, and in these cases, women usually win. His reputation will be ruined.”

“Dad’s never going to let that happen. I can’t believe he doesn’t have a fleet of attorneys down there already.”

“He does. But I don’t know what we’re going to do with him after he makes bail. He just…can’t stop doing stupid things. I mean, he saw what happened with you after…why…oh, I’m sorry, Nate.”

Nate pressed his lips together, swallowing hard. “It’s okay. I…screwed up after Chloe, too. I guess she just has this way about her that makes you think it’s you, you know?”

Victoria heaved a shaky sigh. “I don’t because I never saw what either of you boys saw in her. She’s brought out the worst in both of my boys.”

“Look, Mom, why don’t I take Stephen to Eldoria with me once Dad gets him out of this? It’ll keep him away from Chloe, stop him from doing something else stupid.”

“I can’t ask you to do that. In fact, I shouldn’t even be stopping you from going there. You need time with Elena to start talking about your future. I just…didn’t want to be here alone.”

Nate rubbed his mother’s back. “I’m not leaving you until we have this sorted out. And you’re not asking me to take Stephen, I’m offering. Heck, I’m taking Maddie. What’s another sibling?”

“I hope the royal family doesn’t think we’re pushing in.”

“It’s fine, Mom. If they’re that unhappy about it, I can putthem up at a hotel, but somehow, I don’t think Elena or her parents will mind.”

Victoria pulled him into a tight hug. “Thank you, Nate. You’re a good brother.”

“Yeah, well, don’t thank me yet. Stephen will probably say no or try to crash the plane if we put him on it.”

“Or ruin your wedding. Honey, he did threaten you. I don’t want him making things uncomfortable for you over there.”

“It’s okay, Mom. I think Stephen’s bark is worse than his bite. What is he going to do?”

“Honey, who knows? Who’d have ever thought he’d do this?”

“He’s innocent, Mom. It’s Chloe, playing her usual games. After the cheating scandal, she’s clawing at anything to salvage her standing. This is just her way of trying to gain some leverage.”

“She may have found it,” Victoria answered, blowing out a shaky breath as she wiped away a tear that fell to her cheek.

“Don’t cry, Mom. We’ll figure this out.”

She bobbed her head, trying to stop any other tears from falling.

“Hey, you waited for me. I thought you’d try to run without me,” Maddie said with a grin before she slid her gaze between the two of them.

“Sorry, Maddie, we’re going to be delayed a little bit,” Nate said.

“What?” Maddie’s features flashed with concern. “Are you ditching me? Mom, tell Nate he has to take me.”