“But what?” she interrupted. “But Corinthia is so blasted important that I am being selfish bynotmarrying into their royal family?”
“Do not shoot the messenger,” King Frederick said with a sigh. “I am merely giving you an example of what I am told we may face in attempting to reverse this.”
Elena covered her face with her hands. “Well, that’s lovely. Just wonderful. What am I to tell Nathan?”
“Perhaps keep it under your hat for now, Elena,” Alexander suggested.
Her eyes went wide as she stared at him. “For now? When shall I spring it on him? When we don’t announce our engagement, or perhaps when we cancel the wedding?”
“I do not think either of those options are on the table, darling,” Queen Sophia said.
“Oh, well, then, perhaps on the eve of our wedding, I will inform him that my decision has meant that Eldoria’s rule will go to–”
“Alexander. Who is a wonderful choice if you are not permitted to rule,” King Frederick said.
“Uh,” Alexander answered, “but what if I do not marry royal blood?”
King Frederick heaved a sigh. “Then you would be removed as monarch and replaced by Julian.”
“Who will most assuredly marry royal blood. If Eric had a sister, I’m certain he’d be dragging her down the aisle as we speak.”
“He does not.” King Frederick clasped his hands together as he leaned onto the desk. “I will tackle this in the morningby speaking with several key legislators to get a sense of where they stand."
“I am happy to come with you,” Elena offered.
“I would like to tackle it on my own at first,” King Frederick said. “You are too emotionally involved.”
Elena set her hands on her hips. “What is that supposed to mean? If I am to be taken seriously as a future monarch of this country, I should showcase my abilities.”
King Frederick waved a finger at her. “This is exactly the type of behavior I am thinking of. I do not need you glaring at the legislators over your engagement to Mr. Kingsley.”
“I am not glaring.”
“Nor that tone.”
“I have no tone!” she insisted.
“Perhaps it’s best to allow Uncle Frederick to handle this, Elena. He can at least get the lay of the land, then you may become involved.”
Elena sighed as she plopped into her chair again. “Fine. I expect results, though.”
“Believe me, darling, I hope to have this resolved soon. You have been raised to take the throne, and you should. No offense, Alexander.”
“None taken, Uncle. I quite agree. Elena has been groomed for this, and she will be an excellent queen. I much prefer to be the playboy prince.”
Elena scoffed at that. “You are just as capable, and hardly a playboy.”
“Give me time. I have no interest in marrying Lady Margaret.”
Queen Sophia crinkled her brow. “Why? She is a lovely girl.”
“Oh, Aunt Sophia, please. She is hardly lovely—quite dull, in fact. And more importantly, I have no interest in her.
The Queen raised her eyebrows, offering him a slight smile. “Well, I suppose it must be your choice.”
“Thank you. If you could only make Mother and Father understand that.”
“We shall see what we can do, though, with this latest decree, I’m afraid they may stand more firmly behind their decision.”