“Well, you are quite a prize, Elena,” Alexander answered. “You’re beautiful, intelligent, kind, and a princess.”
“Eric is handsome, intelligent–”
“Don’t say kind. He is not.”
“No, he isn’t, but heisa prince. And those three things are enough to make him interesting to many, many women, regardless of his kindness.”
“So? You still have appeal.”
“Not that much appeal, Alexander. The only thing I can think of is that he doesn’t like to lose.”
“You aren’t going to give in to his demands, are you?”
“Certainly not,” Elena answered, her hand pressed against her stomach as it twisted in a knot. “Though…”
“Yes?” Alexander asked.
Her mind whirled again as she sorted through the issue. “We cannot allow the throne to go to Julian.”
“No, I quite agree. So, we’ll need to fix this, or you shall have to marry Eric. Take one for the team.”
“I will not!” Elena cried. “Why don’t you do it? You can marry Lady Margaret.”
“No,” Alexander said with a shake of his head. “You are far more fit to rule than I am.”
“That’s not true.”
“Are you saying you will abdicate?”
“No, but I trust Eldoria in your hands if we cannot pull off a change in the royal decree.”
Alexander clicked his tongue. “Let us hope we can. I do not wish to marry Lady Margaret.”
“I absolutely refuse to marry Eric, especially with my heart already belonging to Nathan. Our wedding is only weeks away, and the idea of that betrayal makes my stomach turn.”
“Well…in a pinch.” Alexander shrugged.
Elena shot him an icy stare before huffing out a sigh. “How long can this take to track?”
“Perhaps it doesn’t exist, that’s why they can’t find it.”
The doors to the private office burst open a moment later, and King Frederick, Queen Sophia and several assistants strode inside, their steps echoing heavily in the almost silent room.
“Well?” Elena demanded.
The sigh from King Frederick along with the uncertainty flickering in his eyes sent her stomach churning. “I’m afraid it’s all true.”
“What?” Elena’s eyes went wide as her heart began to pound against her ribs.
King Frederick nodded as he slumped into his chair, propping his elbow on the desk. “Yes. There is a royal decree stating that all marriages must be with nobility.”
“Has it always been followed? Can we be assured of that, at least?” Alexander asked.
King Fredrick snapped his gaze to his nephew.
“You mean to say that perhaps Frederick is not truly the king,” Queen Sophia said.
“Yes, but not because of your marriage, Aunt Sophia. You were of noble blood.”