I bask in the joy. The stars wink at me as if sharing that joy as my fantasies come to life.
But cold cuts through my sweater dress while warmth and joy await me at home. I turn to gather a box of sprinkles and other goodies when headlights sweep across the parking lot, blinding me. The car drives toward the kiosk, stops, and two men step out. My heart pounds for a split second, setting my nerves on edge.
Bull’s voice cuts through the night, stern and protective. “You shouldn’t be working alone at night.”
But he told me to—before I can respond, Rocky rushes to the side, appearing at the door on the back side of the kiosk. “Why isn’t this locked?” he chastises, stepping inside. He grabs my wrist firmly. “Do you like being vulnerable?”
I pull away, but Rocky’s hold tightens, drawing me into his body. “You’re not going anywhere.” His voice is low and determined. “Not until I pack that sweet pussy full of cum.”
A shiver runs up my spine and my knees threaten to give out. Rocky steadies me with one arm while getting his cock out with his other.
Bull steps into the kiosk, closing the door. His eyes lock onto mine with the hunger of a starved man.
He steps behind me, grabs handfuls of my dress, and tugs it over my hips, exposing my bare skin to the cool night air. The dress is too susceptible to panty lines, so I’d gone without. His hands find my ass, kneading and squeezing. “Can’t wait to watch Rocky fuck you.”
I love this side of him. My heart races as I realize what’s happening. They’re playing out my fantasy—the best Christmas present ever.
A thrill runs through me, and I remember my role. I struggle in Bull’s grip, trying to pull away. “Stop,” I protest, my voice growing more adamant. “My husband’s waiting for me.”
Rocky slides his finger to my clit, circling and teasing as I squirm. “You’re a little whore. I don’t believe for a second that one man can satisfy you.”
Bull shoves a foot between mine and kicks my feet wider, reaches between my legs, and slides a finger inside of me. My knees threaten to give out again and my hips rock on the two of them. It’s getting harder to play my part.
Maybe I was wrong about what I want. If I don’t resist, I could have an orgasm sooner.
The headlights from their car shut off, leaving us in the romantic glow of the fairy lights.
I stay in the moment, holding myself back from an orgasm, and shove my hips into Bull. With a little bit of space, I reach for my phone that’s somewhere on the counter. “I’m gonna call the cops.”
Bull stumbles backward and releases me. He’s undeterred, stripping his pants and boxers.
“Go for it. They can share our fuck-toy.” Rocky grips my chin, forcing my face up to his. It’s the hand he had in my sex. I smell my arousal and I desperately miss his touch, Bull’s too.
I yank my chin from Rocky’s grasp and glance over my shoulder as Bull hops on the counter, his cock hard and ready. He grabs the can of spray whipped cream I got out, shaking it before coating his cock with a layer of white yumminess.
“You want this?” he taunts.
Rocky spins me around, holds my hands to my chest, and bends at the knees so his cock can slide between my legs. It’s so hard and hot. Can we stop the scene so I can ride him?
The fairy lights and the stars beyond make this too romantic. My core aches with need.
Rocky leans his lips to my ear. “I bet this cum-dumpster wants us to fill her with all the white sticky stuff.”
I have to stop myself from saying yes. “No.” My thoughts are so scrambled, it’s hard to think. “Don’t get my dress dirty.” Not the most genius concern.
Bull leans forward and sprays cream on my cheek. My traitorous tongue darts out to get it but Rocky’s tongue slams into mine, licking the cream before I can. I’m going to die.
Bull shakes his head. “The little slut tried to beat you to it. Scoot her closer.”
Bull spreads his legs to accept me as Rocky shuffles us forward. Bull grabs my hands and places them on his thighs. “Look at me.”
I close my eyes and turn my head to the side. Bull’s busy holding my hands in place as I try to get away, so Rocky grips my chin again, turning me to Bull.
“If you want this cream…” He nods at Rocky who returns his hand to my clit. “You’re gonna have to pay in advance by letting me watch you come.”
Think. Think. Think. Am I supposed to do this? Supposed to object? I’ve lost track of the plan, then I lose track of everything as Rocky shoves his cock inside of me and works my clit with his fingers.
The knot inside of me pulls so tight, I might break. My breaths barely keep up. My gaze moves from Bull’s temptingly decorated cock to his eyes. I’ve never seen this look before.