Hearing my sister hint at the chance of my doing something else with my life sounded like a slight changeup. But considering stepping back and letting the idea of a family taking more of mytime was a significant alteration that I wasn’t sure I was ready for.
I whipped around, just having disconnected from this call with Grace where she promised she wouldn’t mess with the Grummond account.
Naomi ran out from the rec center, smiling as she darted my way.
“Hey!” I grinned, catching her as she launched at me. Derek walked up behind her, hands in his pockets and as chill as ever.
“Are you done with work?” she asked, fully aware that my constant calls were not for trivial reasons.
“Yep.”For now.“So. Sledding?”
She was so excited about the snowfall last night.
I laughed along with her since her bubbly mood was so infectious.
We headed toward the best hill in Preston, which was surprisingly not too crowded.
“Most people have their own hills,” Derek said. “At least the ones living near the river.”
I had yet to see his land, but it became something of an afterthought. We had been so busy with all the holiday things going on this week.
“I likethisone,” Naomi declared, pointing down at the snow under her boots.
Over and over, we slid down then walked back up. My thighs were getting a heck of a workout with the climb, but I couldn’t complain. I’d sleep so well once I managed the drive back to Dad’s house. And Naomi kept up such a constant chatter that I didn’t have time to think about the aches in my underused muscles, let alone complain about them.
When she decided to sled down solo, Derek snagged the sleeve of my coat between his fingers. “Hey, wait a second.”
I smiled back at him, slightly jealous that he didn’t seem to be suffering from any overexertion in a physical sense. He had yet to break out a sweat on the walks back up the hill. And he was the one dragging or pulling all three sleds to the top.
“What’s up?” I asked. Hugging the sled to my chest, I waited for him to talk. We weren’t too close out here like a couple, sledding. Besides, it made sense to tone down the PDA and keep things PG around Naomi.
Oh, stop being ridiculous.
It was a moot point to worry about being PG or toning anything down. We weren’t really doing anything. And since this was all supposed to be fake, we wouldn’t be doing anything of that nature.
Not that I’ve thought about it… Nope. Not once.
I sighed, admiring him in his coat and scarf, bundled up but not at all intimidated by the great outdoors. Even like this, masculinity oozed off him.
“I was thinking we might not be doing this right.”
I gaped at him. “What? What did I do wrong? Did someone say something?” I narrowed my eyes. “Is that sixth grade teacher trying to talk to you in the pickup line again?” I growled. “That does it. I’ll come with you next time you pick her up and?—”
He chuckled, lifting his hands as though to tamp down a fire. “No. No. It’s not that.”
“Then what?” I worried that I’d failed somehow.
“We’ve been doing family things.”
I nodded. “Right.” I grinned. “It’s been so much fun.”
“But not romantic things.”
My heart beat faster. I couldn’t draw in a decent lungful of air, caught and feeling so put on the spot. Right when I’m tellingmyselfnotto lust after him or wish for a chance to kiss more than just his cheek playfully, he had to saythat?