“Oh… We’re in trouble now.”
I smiled. “Nah. We still have a copy of her diagram and tree map.”
She kissed me once more. Then we laughed and carefully got out of the landmine of ornaments strewn all over.
Christmas morning dawned gray and snowy. It was perfect, though, because staying in was all we wanted to do.
It would be our first family holiday together. The first of many.
As I lay in Derek’s bed, I smiled and stared up at the ceiling as I envisioned Naomi’s reaction that I’d be here for good.
“Daddy! Naomi?” Her voice came from down the hall.
“It’s Christmas morning!”
I got up, swinging my legs over the bed. When I reached over to wake up Derek, I found him rolling off the mattress.
“Couldn’t sleep in?” I asked him.
He shook his head. “I can’t wait to tell her.”
We’d agreed to share this news that we were dating after she opened presents. It seemed like a done deal, that she’d be happy and accept my entering their family, but I wouldn’t relax until I had her official blessing.
I never wanted to replace her mother. But I really, really wanted her to welcome me in as her daddy’s girlfriend.
“Come on. Come on!” She knocked on the door.
Derek opened it, and she hugged him. “It’s Christmas!” Then she ran to me and jumped up into my arms.
I smiled, catching her and spinning her. “Merry Christmas, Naomi!”
“Merry Christmas, Claire!” She wiggled to be let down just to take my hand and lead me out of the room and toward the tree.
She gasped at the gifts, seeming to need a moment to just admire the wrapped presents waiting to be opened.
“Here. I want you to go first!” She tugged my hand as she pulled me toward the tree. “Here, here!”
I laughed as I sat with her. Derek lowered next to me.
“I wonder what it is,” I said, glancing at him.
“Me too.” He leaned in to kiss me. Just that quick press warmed my soul, but as I realized we were sitting where we’d just made love a couple of nights ago, I felt my cheeks heat up with a blush.
He watched me rip the paper, and Naomi giggled as she sat in his lap, hanging on to him.
It was a pair of reading glasses, a pair from the pharmacy that we’d never gotten to on that holiday market day. With them was a jar of the apple jelly. Then there was a certificate.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“We made them in school. Read it!”
I made a big show of putting my new reading glasses on. Then I paused, blinking in shock. “Oh.Wow.”
Derek laughed. “Does it help?”