He sat down, trying to hide the pain in his shoulder when he unbuttoned his jacket.

“Well…” She bit her lip and tried to prevent a girlish giggle from escaping. “I think it’s cute.”

She heard him chuckle as a new song kicked on, bringing more students to the floor.

“You coming?” Tyquan’s hand touched her shoulder as he ran past. “I need another partner out here that can dance!”

How many dates does he have?

She merely smiled and waved. A shrug was the last she saw of him before he was swallowed into a mass of students.

“Did he bring multiple dates tonight?” Hailey playfully questioned Gunner.

“Well, you know, it’s Ty.”

He leaned in closer as the music got louder.

Oh boy.

She took a deep breath. She could feel his stare.

“I’m sorry my mom wanted to take so many pictures at the grove,” he said, adjusting gingerly once more in the chair.

“Please!” She tried to keep the conversation light. “I don’t know who took more, your mom or my sister!”

He relaxed a bit, and a genuine smile as bright as the gymnasium lights grew across his face.

That smile.

“It was good seeing her tonight. I’m glad she came out.” His voice wassoft, much different from the night before at the hospital.

“Yeah, I am glad she is going out more.”

Very glad.

He moved his hand over to hers without warning.

Here we go.

“I wanted to apologize for last night.” He squeezed gently, causing a tremor of electricity to run up her arm. “I was…I was not me, and I was a total jerk. I’m sorry.”

His eyes lowered, and she squeezed back.

“I know it was scary, with your shoulder, and how much football means to you. With this being your senior year, I can only---”

He squeezed tighter and moved in even closer. Her mouth snapped shut. She could smell the aroma of mint coming from his lips.

He is so close.

“It wasn’t that.” He was staring directly at her now, his green eyes dancing like grass in early spring. “I mean, I love football, and I would give anything to win with these guys.” He pointed out to the dance floor, where JT had pulled off his jacket and was twirling it around. “But last night, I just, I guess I’m trying to figure this whole thing out, trying to make it to the next day, you know?”

I definitely know.

She nodded and turned to face him so she could give him all her attention.

Believe me, I know.

After a brief pause, he put his hand on her knee, sending a chill through her body from his touch through the fabric.