“Yeah, well, Ty is something. But I actually think they’re trying to catch up on the practice that he missed last week.” Gunner laughed. “Hey, do you think we can go somewhere quieter to talk?”
It was as if her body was on autopilot. She nodded, and he led her further from the crowd.
I shouldn’t be doing this.
“Sorry about that. Just…just a little noisy over there.”
He was anxiously fiddling with his fingers. He was a little taller than her, and his deep green eyes caused a shiver to run up her spine when they locked down on her.
“So, um, hey, tomorrow night.” His face was getting red. “Tomorrow night, the drive-in is having a special showing for the musical. I was wondering...”
No way, Hailey!
“I thought, since we’ll be, you know, together on the stage, that maybe we could watch it together, and you know, take notes.”
Take notes?
She ducked her head, giggling nervously.
“Ha, yeah. Dumb, I guess. But look, I understand if you’re busy, and I know things are different in the movie, but Ty thought it would be a good idea to get them to show it for everyone so, I don’t know, we could build excitement for the play.”
“Yes.” It just came out before she could stop it. “I don’t think I have any plans.”
What are you doing!?
“Should I bring a notepad and pen?” she joked. The butterflies were floating around in her stomach again, and she had to bite her lip hard to prevent another giggle from escaping.
“Well, I mean.” His face was growing nearly fire engine red. “You don’t really need a notebook, I just---"
“HAILEY!” Emilio’s shout interrupted them. “Watch these new dance moves that I’m going to put into that final number!” The two laughedas Emilio stomped on a table. His bulky body nearly tipped the wooden base with each move. “I’m going to make them remember the day Emilio Cortez became a clock!”
What a crazy guy.
Emilio grabbed Bridgette and pulled her up beside him.
“Will you look at that,” she said, spinning back to Gunner.
“Yeah,” he said distractedly. He seemed uninterested in the rest of the room. His eyes were fixed squarely on her.
“Hailey?” The voice made her jump in surprise. “Can a father have a dance with his daughter?”
The music was now blaring, and Andy and Juliana had begun dancing nearby.
She playfully questioned Gunner, who tipped his finger and bowed.
“I would never want to get between a daughter and her father.”
She dipped into a soft bow and then allowed JT to lead her into the dining area, which was full of dancing students.
What am I doing?
Instead of the typical dread, she was giggling as they hopped up on a table. Even though the entire room was now watching them, she could not help but continue to laugh.