Hailey felt the lump again.

“She couldn’t even show up to the damn funeral because she said it was ‘too much.’ I mean, what kind of person does that? Says they care about someone but then just abandons them during that time?”

What a bitch!

She never liked using that type of language, but hanging out with Juliana made it hard not to.

“After that, Gunner spent some time at our house because he didn’t want to go home. I would hear him on the couch, talking to himself, and sometimes…” She stopped, looking up into the sky as if replaying it. “A few times, I even listened to him cry.”

Oh no.

Hailey’s palms were starting to sweat. She lowered her eyes and tried to imagine the strong, caring, fun-loving guy that she had been hanging out with crying alone.

He seems so in control.

“Mrs. Weston!” Juliana yelled. Hailey froze.

Gunner’s mom!

“Juelz! Sweetheart!” The woman’s voice boomed over the crowd, causing heads to turn toward them.

Oh god.

Hailey kept her back turned. Her heart started to pump harder, and she rubbed her fingers against her thumbs to try to calm her nerves.

She had heard all the stories about Gunner’s father. She had heard about all his accomplishments and his support of the community. However, during her short time in this town, she had rarely heard anything about his mother.

“Mrs. Weston, I would like you to meet Hailey Bianchi,” Juliana said, practically presenting her on a platter as Hailey spun around.


She was instantly taken aback by how beautiful Gunner’s mother was. She had light brown hair that curled above her shoulders and was wearing a South Mountain Football shirt, like most of the other parents. However, unlike most of the other adults at the game, Gunner’s mother was vibrant and glowing. Her smile was so bright that Hailey stuttered through an awkward greeting.

“I’m glad you two can finally meet! Hey, Mrs. W., I’m going to get a few waters before the second half. Do you mind watching Hailey?”

I need to be watched?

Gunner’s mom nodded and moved in close. Juliana took off to the concession stand like she had planned this all along.

OK, this is weird.

“I’m glad we’re finally getting to meet.” Mrs. Weston’s soft brown eyes were exactly what Hailey needed at the moment. The crowd around them had now shifted focus to their small group, and she could again feel herself becoming the center of attention. “I have heard so much about you.” Gunner’s mom leaned in and extended her hand.

Who from? Gunner?

“Don’t worry about all these people,” she said as Hailey reciprocatedthe gesture. “They don’t get out much.”

Her smile lit up the entire area, and Hailey could not help but grin back.

“Thanks.” It was all she could muster in response.

“How is your family doing with the move? I am sure this is very different from California.”

You have no idea.

“Oh, well, yeah, it is a little different.” For some reason, Hailey let out a nervous giggle. “But so far, everything has been just fine.”

What a terrible lie.