Bridgette’s attitude had changed over the last few weeks, and Hailey was even starting to enjoy the time they spent together onstage. They had a lot in common, but the transformation might more so be attributed to the extra time Bridgette was spending with Juliana’s brother.
Bridgette had been finding reasons to help him during each practice. She had even gone over to his house last weekend for some more “one-on-one review.”
Good for her.
A smile spread across Hailey’s face as she peered out over the large stadium, the lights flashing down as the marching band played on. She had sworn off ever going to another game after California. However, Gunner’s constant requests had finally broken her. She could not bear to see the disappointment on his face after another rejection, and she thought, based on her father’s recruiting days, that it would just be a relatively small event. It was only high school football, after all, not college, like her father had coached before. Yet when she finally stepped through the gates, she immediately realized she was wrong.
This is a crazy number of people for a high school game.
“I hate when the score is close, I just hate it.” Juliana shook her head as they stepped off the metal bleachers.
Hailey struggled to stay near her friend; the half-time rush had begun. Parents and students were scattered all about, small clusters stopping to converse every few feet.
As she stepped around a group of laughing freshmen, her eyes flashedto the sideline, where her father had been standing a few minutes earlier. It was obvious that her attendance made him happy. Even though it was Gunner who had asked her to come, she made sure not to mention that when she told her dad about her plans. He had been smiling more lately, as not only were they winning football games, but Melissa was starting to more regularly get out of the house. Family dinner now consisted of talks about the musical and school, and she was beginning to enjoy the time they spent together again. Bringing up Gunner might unearth memories that her father and sister were not ready to face.
I might not be ready, either.
“Well, look who decided to finally show up to a game.” Charlotte’s sneering voice stopped them both. Juliana immediately put a protective hand across Hailey’s chest. “What, no ‘practice’ tonight?”
Oh no.
The venom in the girl’s eyes was crystal clear.
“Fuck off, Charlotte, and go blow someone under the bleachers!” Juliana snatched Hailey’s hand and pulled her away. Gunner’s ex-girlfriend’s mouth fell open as she stuttered around a comeback.
It was no secret who had started the gossip about her and Gunner. After class one day, Hailey had overheard some of the cheerleaders in the bathroom mention her name. The things they were saying were nowhere close to what was happening, but she knew no one would believe her if she denied them. Whether she liked it or not, Gunner had a reputation, and most of the girls around the school knew all about it.
I hate that.
She felt a lump begin to form in her throat at the thought of Gunner with someone like Charlotte. Hailey had only experienced a few shortrelationships before her mother passed, and they had amounted to nothing more than holding hands and a kiss on the cheek. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable and tense she became.
“She’s just mad that Gunner has been looking at you every time he comes off the field.” Juliana, expertly navigating through the crowd, led Hailey to the concession stand’s line.
I know.
She was right, and it was hard to miss. Gunner had found Hailey the second she sat down and had waved immediately. It had awakened the butterflies in her stomach, and she had been unable to take her eyes off him since. She hated that football was such a physical sport, and the fact that Gunner was hit so much made it even worse. It also did not help that he never left the field, which, according to Juliana, meant he was very good.
“I thought they were together?”
Stop it, Hailey!
The question was more for her than anything.
Why did I ask that?
She knew the answer, but for some reason, she felt like she needed to hear it again. Hailey had not told Juliana, but she had been comparing herself to Charlotte for the entire first half of the game. She was the perfect cheerleading captain---the girlfriend every high school football player would want. Her blonde hair seemed to be professionally done, and she had the measurements of a fashion model. Hailey could not help but be jealous as Charlotte flaunted her body up and down the sideline.
“I would never let that slut near Gunner again,” Juliana responded coldly.
Wow, what happened?
Juliana saw Hailey’s questioning head tilt, so she went on.
“When Gunner’s dad died, they were dating…or whatever you want to call it.”