“You talking about that theatre practice?” The bulky running back’s sarcasm was gone. “Is that what you’re talking about?”
He slid off the car, towering over Gunner.
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
While Ty may have been taller than Gunner, he was not about to back down.
“Charlotte, can you go wait by your car? G and I have to have a quick chat.”
She snuggled against Ty’s arm.
“Why would a star player like Ty need to waste his time on some stupid play practice?” she hissed.
Stupid play practice?
Gunner was not in the mood, and his ex-girlfriend’s presence turned his stomach. In fact, the thought that he might actually havelovedher at one point bothered him most of all. Her snarky attitude, along with thefact that she was the only one of his close circle who did not show up to his dad’s funeral, left him gritting his teeth.
“This is not about you, Charlotte! Not everything is about you!” Gunner could not hold it in. The venom came spewing out before he could stop it.
“Charlotte.” Ty’s voice was serious now. “This is between G and me. I’ll call you later.”
At times, Ty could be self-centered, but he was never cruel. He knew the history they had, and no matter how ugly this was going to get, Charlotte did not need to be there for it.
“Whatever.” She flicked her hair and stalked away. The two remained quiet until she was out of earshot.
“You really think I care about some theatre practice, G?” Ty said, inching toward him.
Just breathe.
Gunner shook his head and dipped away. He was not here to get into a fistfight with Ty, and if he were being honest, he knew he did not stand much of a chance.
“What is this, Ty? Huh? What, you just going to go solo now? Just do whatever you want?”
His best friend stomped over to the other side of the car.
“Well, sorry if I don’t jump every time Gunner Weston tells me to do something.” He leaned lazily against his driver-side door. “Excuse me if I don’t obey Gunner Weston whenever he speaks.”
Really, Ty?
“Is that what you think I want? Is that really what you think of me, Ty?”
“I don’t always have to follow you, G. It’s not always about you and some girl you like.”
This is not about Hailey!
Gunner shot off the car he had started to lean against. A jolt to his insides had him snapping his finger right at his best friend.
“You think this is about Hailey? You really think this is about her?”
Ty turned to face him, irritation twisting his face.
“Oh, come on, G! If it’s not, then tell me what it’s really about. Please enlighten me because I thought we were playing this season for your dad! Not doing some dumb play about clocks and candles!”
Gunner felt his shoulders drop as he stared into his best friend’s eyes. His face remained harsh, but Ty now looked broken, a feeling that Gunner knew all too well.
“This season was supposed to be for him! To win for him!” Abruptly, Ty turned away.