It was just an unconscious reaction, but it rocked him from his trance.

“Sorry.” A look of worried disappointment was back on his face. “I didn’t---I mean, I have to go…do something. You think you can take care of the boys while I’m gone?”

She immediately nodded, trying to play off the awkwardness.

“Sure. Is everything OK?”

He took off down the steps, flashing a thumbs-up.

“Never better!”

He winked. Her heart skipped, and she momentarily forgot where she was.

He winked at me…

She could not stop grinning as he sprinted to the door at the back of the auditorium.

“I can’t wait to see you at the game on Friday!” he shouted, loudenough for the entire cast to hear.

Oh, jeez.

All the eyes in the room shifted to her. Her legs grew weak, and the piercing stares brought a blush to her cheeks.

Look away. Please look away.


Gunner was seething when he stomped into the parking lot.

God damnit, Ty!

He had been trying for weeks to get Hailey to come to a game and had been hoping to talk to her more before he noticed that Ty was missing. He knew she hated football, but she had been working hard on the musical and deserved a night out. Juelz and Bridgette would make sure she had fun, but selfishly, he also wanted her to watch him play.

They had been spending more time together after practice. He was finally getting to know her and had quickly realized that she was more perfect than he had ever imagined. She was funny, she was smart, and she was beautiful without even trying. Her smile was engraved in his mind, and he went to sleep every night thinking of her. He knew she only wanted to be friends. The flinch every time he got close made that clear, but at least he could have that.

Of course.

He knew where to find Ty, and as he jumped over the curb and onto the asphalt, he was not shocked to see who his best friend was with.


“Ty!” he yelled as his ex-girlfriend’s eyes widened. “Hey! Can we talk?”

“G! My man, what’s up?”

Gunner threw his arms out and approached the car they were sitting on top of.

“What’s this? Why are you not at practice?”

Ty laughed and shrugged to Charlotte next to him.

“Practice? Dude, practice ended a few hours ago.”

Come on, Ty.

Gunner’s eyes lowered at his friend’s sarcastic jeer. His hands clenched together as he tried to steady his breathing.

“You know what I mean, Ty.” His voice rose as his best friend turned back to Charlotte.