“Gunner, a man’s body, a man’s face, they change. But a man’s eyes…” He straightened and walked around the desk. “A man’s eyes never change. They are the window to who he is, and no matter what the rest of that face looks like, your eyes…” Coach Bianchi clasped his shoulder, and Gunner stood to face him. “Your eyes will tell you who you are.”

Thanks, Coach.

Gunner had wanted to hate this man, the man who had taken his dad’s job and was brought in to replace him. But, as he stared deep into his coach’s hazel eyes, he knew that was impossible. They were soft and caring but also tired and brimming with pain. He knew what put that hurt in his eyes---something no husband or father should have to experience.

He had lost his wife, the mother of his children---everyone in town knew that---but there was also something else. Something almost no one knew. His daughter had been sexually assaulted by the quarterbackof his football team. Coaching that team had been his dream job. As the two stood together, Gunner finally understood. This man was just as broken as he was, if not more.

“Your father, when he looked into your eyes that night, he saw who you had become. He knew the young man that you were at that moment.”

His coach turned and stared at the picture on his desk.


In the picture, Coach Bianchi was smiling beside his wife and two young girls. They all looked happy.

“Now it’s time for you to see it.”

Gunner took a deep, shuddering breath.

“Because, son,” Coach Bianchi grabbed the picture of his family and brought it close to his face, “if you do, if you can find what your father saw that night…” His pain-filled eyes darted over to Gunner. “Son, you’re going to find something special.”

They did not speak for a while. The sound of Gunner rifling through the flyers filled the room.

Find something special.

Gunner took one more peek at his reflection, which was now accompanied by that of his coach.

What am I doing?

This man by his side had been through hell, and Gunner was not making it any easier. In fact, he was being selfish, acting in a way that would have disappointed his father.

“Thanks, Coach. See you…see you tomorrow.” Gunner jumped up and ran out the door.

He had no idea if his coach would let him back on the field, as he knew he had done nothing to earn it. He had been self-centered and arrogant, everything his father had taught him not to be. He had let his team down. He had let the town down, but more importantly, he knew he had let his father down. If his coach gave him a second chance, he would make sure the man did not regret it.

My father knew who I was.

Gunner could still see the picture of his father, frozen on the TV screen, in his head as he began to run down the hallway.

Now, it’s time I figured it out.

Chapter 9

“Well, Pioneer fans, the season has not started the way any of us would have predicted. Two straight losses to start the year combined with the uncertainty about the quarterback position has Coach Bianchi looking for answers. He will hope to find them tonight as South Mountain hosts district rival Mount Joy High School. The Red Knights are 2-0 to start the season and must feel confident heading into tonight’s game with the Pioneers. The teams have already gone through warms-ups, and you can feel the anxiety from the home crowd.”


Find yourself.

Gunner was kneeling in the endzone again, running his hands through the freshly cut grass. The stadium was quieter tonight, and he could hear his thoughts clearly. The image of his father from his coach’s TV still burned in his head.

You are going to find something special.

He stood up and peered toward the sprawling metal bleachers. The crowd was slowly trickling in, right before kickoff. He could see all the familiar faces, but tonight it was different. They were stoic, eyes forward, as if they were watching a game they didn’t understand. Hisgaze fell on the line of cheerleaders on the orange track and found his sister, who was hugging his mother before she stepped up into the crowd.

Be Gunner Weston.

He started moving slowly toward the sideline. His legs gained a new strength as he approached the pregame huddle.