“Girls…” His voice cracked, and Hailey dropped to the hardwood next to him. “I am so sorry!”

He began to sob. It was something that Hailey had never seen before, and she looked over at Melissa to confirm that her sister saw it too.

What have they done!?

She was using all her strength to fight back the tears. Her stomach was in knots. Seeing her father on the floor, so helpless, made her entirebody shake.

“I should never have brought us here. We should never have left California.”

Hailey looked over to her sister again, who had now broken into a sob as well.

Do. Not. Cry.

“I thought I could make this work. I thought we could have a fresh start.” Hailey put her head against his chest, his breathing heavy as he spoke. “But I don’t think I can do this.”

They broke my Daddy.

It was over. The defeat in her father’s voice was too much, and Hailey could no longer hold back. The tears broke through the shield she had put up, and the floodgates opened as she fell against him for support.

“I promised your mother. I promised her that I would take care of you both and I just---” She could feel his hand on her head now. “I screwed up! I keep screwing up, and I am so sorry!” He screamed louder than Hailey had ever heard. The slam of his head into one of the drawers in the refrigerator made her jump in his grasp.

The cool air blew against Hailey’s neck as she continued to sob into her father’s chest. Even though she knew he was wrong, she could think of nothing to say.

This is all their fault!

This was not her father’s fault. This was the fault of this town. This stupid town that never wanted them. This stupid town that had this stupid football team.

And that stupid QUARTERBACK!

“Dad, you didn’t screw up!” Melissa shouted. “I did this to us. It’s myfault! I ruined everything.”

No, Melissa!

Her father’s eyes shot up at her. A fear Hailey had never witnessed spread across his face.

“Baby girl, don’t you ever say that.”

Hailey could hear the anger in his voice. And while she knew it was not directed at her sister, the change in tone, mixed with sobs, made her shoulders tense.

“This was never your fault.” He must have felt her change in posture because he kissed her on the head and urged both of them to look up. “You two girls are the most important things in my life. I hope you both know that.”

I do, Daddy.

Hailey nodded and saw her sister do the same.

“Your mother…” he said, his voice cracking again. “You both look so much like your mother.” He hugged them tight, and Hailey felt more tears stream down her face. “She would be so proud of you both. For how strong you are.”

I am not strong.

Hailey squeezed him as hard as she could.

“Your mom always said that I needed to be strong for you girls. But I think, in the end, it is you girls who are the tough ones.”

Hailey got as close to him as she could. Melissa sat down heavily beside them, and Hailey wrapped one of her arms around her sister and the other around her father.

No, Daddy, you are the tough one. You hold us together.

Chapter 7