I hate all of this.

Her father’s slumped shoulders was just another reminder of why she hated this sport so much. The long hours of watching stupid tapes, the hot practices, and now he was babysitting a bunch of spoiled high school kids.

“Daddy,” she said before he closed the door, “remember, it is just a game.”

He tapped the window and nodded before moving toward the school.

It is just a stupid game.

A knock on the top of the car distracted her from her father.

“Hey!” Juliana had somehow found her.

Oh boy.

She rolled down her window and tried to match her friend’s enthusiasm.

“Hey!” Hailey responded, and she waved to a few students she had met at the party the week before.

“You coming? Want to come with?” Juliana pointed to a few seniors who were already heading down the hill to the stadium.

“No, I don’t really like football,” Hailey admitted.

“Your dad is a football coach, and you don’t like the sport?”


“The fact that my dad coaches is probably the main reason why I do not like football.” The blunt truth was followed by a nervous giggle as she lowered her head. “It is also probably not good for the coach’s daughter to sit by herself in the crowd during a game. It tends to get a little hostile.”

Juliana leaned in. “You won’t be by yourself. I’ll be with you.”

She is great.

The response brought a sincere smile to Hailey’s face as she shifted in the seat. The girl now peering into her window had, so far, been one of the only positive things about moving to this town. Hailey was still trying to figure out how Juliana was twins with the jerk of a brother that Hailey had met at the party. Juliana was so pretty and genuine, while her brother Emilio was bulky, loud, and full of himself.

“Maybe next time.” Hailey could see the parking lot filling up, and she gripped the steering wheel tight.

I need to go.

Juliana remained for a second before backing away.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she said as she started toward the stadium. “I’ll make sure to text you and let you know who wins!”

Hailey fired the engine of her SUV to life and waved as the group left.

I will know who won.

She flipped the car into drive and waited for a few more fans to pass.

One look at Daddy tonight, and I will know.


Life is made of moments.

Gunner took a deep breath, his hands resting on his kneepads.

It’s what you do with those moments, Gunner.